Saturday, December 1, 2012

Kisses for Fawn

We were doing last min. grocery shopping before Thanksgiving.
That's kind of a pack thing to do...bring the whole crew even to the grocery store..
Hey, maybe that's why our last name is pack? ;) All twelve of us walking around in Sam's its funny to watch us all chase Grandma Pack down the isles....

Will was getting his flirt on with his new cousin Fawn.
Fawn is one-year old.
She was more interested in the samples she was eating than the sweet nothings that Will was whispering in her ear. That is not an exaggeration. Will really was whispering in Fawn's ear.
He was also softly playing with her hair, and caressing her face. Finally we just said, Will do you want to give Fawn a kiss? and he did multiple times...It was so cute!

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