Saturday, December 28, 2013

Celebrating our Savior

 I guess that Will didn't remember the three other times we loaded the cart with flowers to go show love to the elderly in a nursing home. The Sunday morning we would go, as I started loading the cart with the flowers Will said in disgust to me, " Hey, Mommy, those aren't your flowers. Those are for the sick people that can't walk flowers. You can't play with them. " I guess Will thought I just wanted to play with the flowers  in his grocery cart. Ha :)

 This year, I was really wishing I had thought of a service to do, in order to show God, and our Savior Jesus Christ we love them, earlier than I did. Since we have the tradition of taking flowers to the elderly at the nursing home for Easter, I thought well.... at least we could do that again as a family, the Sunday before Christmas.

My whole family gathered around Grandma and Grandpa Pack's table the night before and helped me make 80 flowers, since there are 90 residents in the nursing home that we go too.

It was such a sweet experience as always...the most touching moment was when Hyrum, Aunt Audrey's son kept reminding us that we couldn't skip a room. He was right, because just as we were about to leave one hallway after singing songs to what we had thought was all the rooms, Hyrum said, " Someone is talking to us in this room!" We heard a faint, " Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas," coming from a room that we indeed had missed going into. As we went into this old and sick woman's room she began crying as we were talking with her. She said, " Oh, you all have just made my day. I really want to get out of bed, but I can't, and I wanted to hear you sing." We sang her some Christmas carols, and gave her some flowers. She thanked us over and over, and told us how nice that we are trying to visit every room.

                 Will was so excited when we got to the home that he ran to the door as fast as he could...
                                                Will was our handsome flower delivery man
                        Fawn was the sweet flower princess, that all were delighted to receive a flower from

We sang Christmas songs, and Uncle Bryant played his harmonica down the hallway before we entered the rooms

                                     This lady wanted song after song sang, and she even sang along :)

   Grandpa Pack is like the baby keeper....he loves and calms all little children down by sweetly talking to them .Grandpa pack and Fawn have a great connection, even though Fawn is adopted, she was meant to be in our family.
                            Brooke and Sydney are two sweet little girls that love each other very much!
                                       Sydney was adorable singing some solos to the residents.
                                   Brooke had been excited to visit these less fortunate than her, all week...

We can never do enough to show Heavenly Father that we are thankful for all he has given us, but he does say if you love me, feed my sheep...I know we all felt fed by the spirit of the Lord during this sweet visit to the nursing home, and I hope that we fed some of his children hungering for love....

Ginger Bread House Tradition

                             Making gingerbread houses for Christmas time, is a Pack family tradition.
                     Grandpa Pack is always the architect, which makes sense, because even as a little boy Grandpa was building everyday. Grandpa Pack moved every year until he was eighteen, because his Dad built the LDS churches all over the Midwest. Grandpa Pack, would go to school, and as soon as school was out, he'd go to the church building site and help with the building. This has come to great use for Grandpa Pack, because he knows how to build everything!!! And, he even built the house I lived in, in Utah....

Grandma Pack is always the mastermind behind the decorating. Grandma also is very creative in her selection of candies that she buys to adorn the house with. When I was little Grandma Pack would always make the icing from scratch, and direct Grandpa on certain things too ;)

Now when we build houses, Daddy always has to finish the houses because Mommy and the kids seem to lose the attention span needed for this project. Daddy, as an artist always does a great job making the finishing touches!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Pre-school Christmas Concert

 Will's pre-school had a Christmas Concert a couple weeks before Christmas. Will was absolutely adorable as he sang Christmas songs in front of a large crowd. As normal Will is not shy, and he has a lot of animation when he gets in front of a crowd.

                Will looks forward to the two days a week that he goes to pre-school. He tells me almost every morning as he watches Brooke get ready for school, " I want to go to school today too!" He is sad on the days he doesn't get to go...but, I am happy for those days that I get my Will all to myself...

Baylor Christmas Celebration

For Christmas this year the hospital that I work for, held a breakfast with Santa, for all of their employees and their families. Brooke and Will loved going to see where I work once a week, while they are sound asleep in their beds. But, they really enjoyed the treat box  full of toys and candy, that Baylor gave them, more than anything ;)

 I love working for Baylor Hospital because it is so Christ centered. Every time that I go to work I honestly leave feeling inspired by the nurses and techs that I work with. Every time that I work I witness acts of kindness all around me. I absolutely love it! When one nurse hasn't had a break, you hear other nurses asking what they can do for them in order for them to even just have a chance to get a drink of water, or use the restroom. When we had an ice storm a few weeks ago the employees were offered a room to spend the night in so they didn't have to drive home. When I was talking with a charge nurse that night he said, " You know this is our calling...we don't have a job like most people. If we don't come to work, people could die."
I love being surrounded by this enthusiasm to care for others. I know the reason the employees are such a pleasure to work with is because of the hiring process that Baylor has. Everyone I work with has a spiritual story about why they are there...They feel called to take care of people, and the Christian values are not kept a secret in the hiring process, upholding these values is an oath that we take as employees.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mathew 5: 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

A Texas Storm

Brittany and Cameron Adopted cousins

Brooke and Will always have so much fun when they get to see their cousins Brittany and Cameron. We went to Paradise Park with Uncle Leonard, Dominic, Brittany and Cameron. The kids had a blast playing together!

Thanksgiving Day 2013

                Back Row: Grandma Turano, Grandpa Turano, Uncle Leonard, Uncle Jeff,
                          Front Row: Aunt Doreen, Great Grandma Mistretta, and Daddy

We went to Kansas City this Thanksgiving and it was such a pleasure to to spend some time with your Great Grandma Mistretta. Even in her condition she is so happy to see you both Brooke and Will.

One thing I always smile at when I see Grandma Mistretta is her beautiful taste in clothing, and jewelry. She may not be feeling well, but she really takes care of herself...

Pre-school Thanksgiving Feast

 This year was Will's first pre-school Thanksgiving Feast. His preschool had a little program where they sang about turkeys and going to Grandma's house in front of all of the parents. Will, as you can imagine was not shy in front of the crowd at all. Will got so excited that Mrs. Cori had to keep signaling him to step back because he kept moving closer and closer to the crowd.

                       When I asked Will what he was thankful for this past Thanksgiving he said,
                                                                " His toys, and Jesus."

I am so glad Will is thankful for his Savior Jesus Christ, and it might be partially me telling him to be that way....

I realized that a couple days ago when I asked Will who gave him a certain toy...I had forgotten which Grandma or friend had given it to him, and his answer was , " Jesus "

I started laughing because I know why he said that! Whenever my kids complain about having to say a prayer, or not being reverent in prayers I always say, " Who gave you everything you have Brooke or Will, whom ever I am talking too" and I respond, " Heavenly Father and Jesus, so we need to show them we are thankful by acting like we are thankful."

Well, Will reminded me what I tell him all the time that day!!!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Where's the bag of flour???

This morning Kevin and I thought it would be a great time to make cinnamon rolls for his office. After the dough was ready to roll out, Kevin started sprinkling the flour on the counter. Kevin comments,
 " Will just gave me the most surprised look. " Kevin then invites Will to help spread the flour on the counter. Will says,
 " No, I can't do that." Kevin says, " Yes, you can help! It makes the dough not stick to the counter."  Will decided he could help after looking at me for approval....

 So, Kevin has to get to the office before we could finish....

I call my neighbor and close friend Bellamie. I ask her to come show me how she makes the icing for her cinnamon rolls because they are so yummy. 

Well, if you know Bellamie and I, you know we can talk...and talk...and for a really long time....
So we keep talking....
and finally Bellamie says, " Where is the bag of flour? " I say, " Where is Will?" ...
and this is what I find in the living room....
and of course, how can I be mad??? This seemed totally acceptable since we were doing it on the kitchen counter!


We laughed and laughed, and then Bellamie thought Will was so cute that she just had to give him a kiss....

                 Thanks for giving me laughs today sweet Will, and thank you Bellamie for coming over to help me with the cinnamon rolls for Kevin's office :)