Monday, December 9, 2013

Where's the bag of flour???

This morning Kevin and I thought it would be a great time to make cinnamon rolls for his office. After the dough was ready to roll out, Kevin started sprinkling the flour on the counter. Kevin comments,
 " Will just gave me the most surprised look. " Kevin then invites Will to help spread the flour on the counter. Will says,
 " No, I can't do that." Kevin says, " Yes, you can help! It makes the dough not stick to the counter."  Will decided he could help after looking at me for approval....

 So, Kevin has to get to the office before we could finish....

I call my neighbor and close friend Bellamie. I ask her to come show me how she makes the icing for her cinnamon rolls because they are so yummy. 

Well, if you know Bellamie and I, you know we can talk...and talk...and for a really long time....
So we keep talking....
and finally Bellamie says, " Where is the bag of flour? " I say, " Where is Will?" ...
and this is what I find in the living room....
and of course, how can I be mad??? This seemed totally acceptable since we were doing it on the kitchen counter!


We laughed and laughed, and then Bellamie thought Will was so cute that she just had to give him a kiss....

                 Thanks for giving me laughs today sweet Will, and thank you Bellamie for coming over to help me with the cinnamon rolls for Kevin's office :)

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