Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Pre-school Thanksgiving Feast

 This year was Will's first pre-school Thanksgiving Feast. His preschool had a little program where they sang about turkeys and going to Grandma's house in front of all of the parents. Will, as you can imagine was not shy in front of the crowd at all. Will got so excited that Mrs. Cori had to keep signaling him to step back because he kept moving closer and closer to the crowd.

                       When I asked Will what he was thankful for this past Thanksgiving he said,
                                                                " His toys, and Jesus."

I am so glad Will is thankful for his Savior Jesus Christ, and it might be partially me telling him to be that way....

I realized that a couple days ago when I asked Will who gave him a certain toy...I had forgotten which Grandma or friend had given it to him, and his answer was , " Jesus "

I started laughing because I know why he said that! Whenever my kids complain about having to say a prayer, or not being reverent in prayers I always say, " Who gave you everything you have Brooke or Will, whom ever I am talking too" and I respond, " Heavenly Father and Jesus, so we need to show them we are thankful by acting like we are thankful."

Well, Will reminded me what I tell him all the time that day!!!!

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