Friday, December 27, 2013

Baylor Christmas Celebration

For Christmas this year the hospital that I work for, held a breakfast with Santa, for all of their employees and their families. Brooke and Will loved going to see where I work once a week, while they are sound asleep in their beds. But, they really enjoyed the treat box  full of toys and candy, that Baylor gave them, more than anything ;)

 I love working for Baylor Hospital because it is so Christ centered. Every time that I go to work I honestly leave feeling inspired by the nurses and techs that I work with. Every time that I work I witness acts of kindness all around me. I absolutely love it! When one nurse hasn't had a break, you hear other nurses asking what they can do for them in order for them to even just have a chance to get a drink of water, or use the restroom. When we had an ice storm a few weeks ago the employees were offered a room to spend the night in so they didn't have to drive home. When I was talking with a charge nurse that night he said, " You know this is our calling...we don't have a job like most people. If we don't come to work, people could die."
I love being surrounded by this enthusiasm to care for others. I know the reason the employees are such a pleasure to work with is because of the hiring process that Baylor has. Everyone I work with has a spiritual story about why they are there...They feel called to take care of people, and the Christian values are not kept a secret in the hiring process, upholding these values is an oath that we take as employees.

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