Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Boys Will be Boys

The first thing spoken to or about a person when they are born is something that should be written down.
The first thing anyone ever said about me, after I was washed off and the nurse brought me to my parents was, " This little girl has the longest eyelashes that I have ever seen on a baby."

The first thing that was ever spoken about Brooke was when the doctor threw her onto my belly. Yes, threw her, or did she slip, we don't know? Kevin wasn't so happy about it as a first time father, but the doctor said,
" Catch her!"

The first words that came out about William were from his doctor and she said, " Well, there would be no mistaking that he was a boy!"

Well, boy is what Will has been ever since I have known him. He refuses to even touch girls toys because they are pink. He says often, " That's for girls, and I am not a girl." Will's manhood actually became to be quite a problem as he became obssesive about super heros and good guys fighting the bad guys. This was such a worry that we took away every single weapon in the house, and of course then he started calling his fork, his sword. We stopped letting him see any show that had any fighting..and he simmered down a lot on the talk about fighting. As well, he wasn't hitting, or headbutting us anymore.

As a parent there are times that you pat yourself on the back just a little bit too soon. And I had one of those moments recently. 

I  found Will in his big boy underwear just sweetly putting his Spiderman to bed. It was so cute that it was obvious he had gone into Brooke's room and collected all the things that he thought Spiderman would need before his nap. The CD player, a book, a glass of water, and blanket. He was playing so nicely. I thought, Wow, it really worked taking all the swords and boy shows away...My plan was to thank Kevin for his idea about this and show him a picture of how nurturing that Will had become...

Well, I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I went into Brooke's room to find not that Will, had been nurturing his Spiderman, but that his Spiderman had driven his Spidey Car to the Barbie/Pony house, broken into the joint and not only stole all the things he would need for his nap, but beheaded a few ponies before he left!!! 

I am thinking this boy, is just going to be a boy...AND I THINK IT'S GREAT!

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