Monday, April 28, 2014

"Gethsemane" performed by Brooke, Isabel, Eli, hyrum, and Fawn

As there were only a couple months away until the great awaited day that Brooke would be baptized, Brooke started talking about her baptism day a lot. Of course I would ask her who she was hoping would be there, and any requests that she had? At the time Brooke had been learning the song  " Gethsemane " in primary on Sundays. Brooke really loves this particular song about Jesus's gift of paying for our sins.  It is not uncommon for Brooke to come home from school and turn on the youtube video of pictures of the Savior and the song being performed solo, by a girl who sounds about Brooke's age. Brooke can watch this video over and over and not get sick of it. Brooke's spirit is so sensitive that I have seen her tear up at the sound of this song. When she asked if I would sing it at her baptism, I suggested that her and her cousins sing it, because it is even more pure and perfect with the voice and testimony of a child singing these special words. Brooke thought it was a great idea and was happy that her cousins would be coming all the way from Colorado just to help her sing a song, and be there for her on her special day, even for just one they had to leave the following day so that their Dad, Bryant could get back to work.


Jesus climbed the hill
to the garden still.
His steps were heavy and slow.
Love and a prayer
took Him there
to the place only He could go.
Jesus loves me.
So He went willingly
to Gethsemane.
He felt all that was sad,
wicked or bad,
all the pain we would ever know.
While His friends were asleep
He fought to keep
His promise made long ago.
Jesus loves me.
So He went willingly
to Gethsemane.
The hardest thing that ever was done,
the greatest pain that ever was known,
the biggest battle that ever was won,
this was done by Jesus!
The fight was won by Jesus.
Jesus loves me.
So gave his gift to me
in Gethsemane
Jesus loves me.
So He gives His gift to me
from Gethsemane.

“Gethsemane” written by Roger and Melanie Hoffman

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