Sunday, April 6, 2014


Jeffrey R. Holland explains that the General Conference session that we are about to watch again at 11am today at has been a practice since the time of Adam.

You will recall that passage describes the moment when Adam calls together his posterity in the valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman and there prophesies, to the very last generation of his family, about what would befall his people. And it says, “The Lord appeared unto them, and they rose up and blessed Adam, and called him Michael” (see D&C 107:41–57). That kind of gathering, to receive the word of the Lord, has continued ever since. September 26, 1976 BYU Devotional Remembered and Nourished
by the Good Word of God

I was incredibly impressed at how well Brooke did at watching four hours of General Conference yesterday. She took notes on every speaker. These notes are forever precious because they are the things that she thought were important, as she held conference with the great respect that it deserves. When Brooke woke up yesterday morning and I reminded her it was General Conference day she literally jumped up from the ground in excitement, and said, " Yay! General Conference is today!" I feel honored to be the mother of such a spiritually mature daughter of God. Brooke did not even want to go to her ice-skating lesson that she has on Saturday mornings, I reminded her Dad that it wasn't a big deal for her to miss, because we are planning to do the make up class on Monday.

I believe that Brooke understands what was explained in Jeffery R. Holland's speech as he said when speaking of General Conference:
" This weekend will be a most majestic example of revelation. Surely in terms of numbers and impact and scope and concentration alive and well.  WE CAN NOT WITH IMPUNITY ACT AS IF THIS WERE ANY OTHER WEEKEND. IT IS NOT. It never has been. It never will be. It is the most dramatic moment in any six-month period of the year, wherein the power and the ability and voice of the Lord are made manifest to the inhabitants of this earth, and that includes you and me. "

Here are Brooke's notes written in a book that will not be lost, but she and I can turn to at any time to remember her sweet testimony of listening to a Prophet and Apostles of God speak:

Thomas S. Monson - Prophet of God

- There are 15 million members
- 17 new temples in 2015
- Feeling the spirit at the Wilbert Arizona temple

Jeffery R. Holland ( which she spelt Deffry R, Hollind ;) )

- Defend your faith
- Hate is an ugly word
- Learn from Abinidi
- Because Abinidi  told the truth they thought he was mad
- Abinidi is good
- Sometimes it is not easy to be a member of God's church
- Love is a good word
- A lot of public pressure is on the church

Elder Rasban - Of the Seventy

- There are 311 groups of Seventies in the church
- Give service to God
- In a tornado she prayed and was saved

Carlos Amado

- Even when he was nailed to the cross he thought about everyone and his Mother

Linda S. Reeves

- Addictions make you lose self control
-Watch what you watch

Neil Anderson

- A mobile  home landed on another mobile home in a tornado
- Satan can take you to a bad place unless you repent
- trees that grow in a windy enviroment grow thicker
- We can be in the world, but not of the world
- Sometimes you have to stand alone when doing what is right
- God has placed us here to be part of his final preparations

Henry B. Eyring

- We made promises when we were baptized
- It takes faith to keep covenants

Russel m. Neilsen

- Is our faith in a brand or a celebrity?
- One of the Ten Commandments is thou shalt not take any graven image before God
- You should not spend too much time on anything besides God
-  We can gain great knowledge from the scriptures
- Even if everyone does something it does not mean that it is right
- people call evil good, and good evil

Richard G. Scott

- When I marry it will be to a return missionary
- Share your testimony of God
- Many years after Richard G. Scott was baptized his father got baptized
- The children of Heavenly Father can do many things when they feel trusted
- We all grow line upon line precept upon precept

Robert D. Hale

- Be careful who you follow
- When we are baptized we take upon the name of the Lord
 - If you love me keep my commandments

Claudio Zivic

- Do not put man before God
- Do not boast in your own strength
- Do not break promises before God

W. Craig Zwick
- Be nice
- Be careful
- Think before you do
- We should listen to each other

Elder Cook
- Trees try to grow back after they are cut down

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