Sunday, December 28, 2014

December Celebrations

Despite Brooke and Will having type A flu for a couple weeks of this Christmas season, we were able to celebrate Christ's birth month at some local festivities. This is the third Christmas that I have worked at Baylor Hosptial. They host a wonderful Breakfast with Santa for their employees. The kids enjoyed kids crafts, cookie decorating, and they left happy with a box of goodies. Their nativity in the  hospital lobby is beautiful.

This year I made sure to ask Santa Clause to remind Will himself why he brings presents to everyone for Christmas? I said Santa, " Can you tell Will about how you love Jesus, and that's why you like to make everyone happy on His birthday?" Santa Clause happily repeated exactly what I said to Will.
He said, " Yes, Will, I love Jesus, and that's why I bring everyone presents on His birthday."

Thankfully I knew I could do this because Baylor Hospital is very Christ centered, and everyone whom works there is exposed to the Christian beliefs. I love working for such a great organization, and I love to be able to be with the sick, especially around such a special time that it must be harder for those in the hospital. I feel very blessed to have been able to keep my job this year, although I told them that I can only work a couple times a month. It is a great blessing that my boss allows me to do this as she knows that I am in school to pursue a higher education.

I guess Santa knows me pretty well....This is what Santa left for me on Christmas morning, and I told Will that I am sure it is because he wants us to remember why he brought us presents ;) 

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