Monday, December 29, 2014

Feeding our Family

One morning we woke up to a horrible noise at the resort. It was 6am in the morning. It literally sounded like a monster was outside our hotel room door. I kept imagining an alien monster outside the hotel door. Of course I ask Kevin, " What is that ? " and he is half asleep and says, " It's just the toilet, go back to sleep." Then when he gets up to actually use the bathroom and I hear the noise again, and yet, he doesn't say anything...I decided to be brave or dumb, or whatever you call it...I opened the hotel door to find this sitting on the rail near our door! It had woken up Grandma Turano in the room next to ours as well.

I woke Will and Brooke straight up and we grabbed some bananas and seriously, we did not expect what would happen next. Fifteen monkeys showed up at our hotel room door for food! Mammas with little babies that were too young to eat solid food came too!

I think for the first time in Emily Turano history Kevin was glad that I carry a huge bag around, and this time there were no books in it, so at every buffet Kevin went into he would stuff all the food that he could into my bag, this way we could feed the monkeys more! On Christmas day I grabbed a whole loaf of bread for Kevin from the buffet table and said, " Merry Christmas ". He was super happy I was such a help in his effort to feed our family...because you know we are part monkey, that's why we have a little monkey Will, jk ;)

This is what we found at our hotel room door the next morning after we fed these monkeys lots of food the previous day.... WE HAD SO MUCH FUN FEEDING THESE MONKEYS!

We did consider letting these monkeys in our room, but Brooke reminded me it would be like having fifteen Wills running around in a small space, and then Kevin reminded me how dangerous it could be once we ran out of food for them!

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