Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What's Will thankful for?

This Thanksgiving when I asked Will what he is thankful for he gave me a pretty interesting list....

He said, " Spiderman, God, Mommy, Daddy, Brooke, his pet crab and baby turtles that come out of eggs."

I was a little sad that Spiderman was the first thing out of his mouth...but when I made zero comments, and he said God next, I was thankful.

He should be thankful that his pet crab is still alive! After having this " Spiderman " crab for a week, Will had been playing with it so much...picking it up and letting it walk on my carpet, and bringing it to pre-school for show and tell- I should not have been surprised when the crab got dropped and it's shell broke!

Poor crab....I have been trying to help this crab...but I guess I don't take as good care of animals as I do patients in the hospital ;)

I first took Will to the pet store and said that we needed to get the crab a new shell for it to crawl into because the Spiderman shell was broken and he would die if he didn't get into a new shell...

Well, we got the only shell that looked big enough for "Spidey" to transfer into and Will started praying in his nightly prayer that his crab WOULD NOT get into the strawberry shell, because he is a boy and he is Spiderman....not a strawberry.

Will said his prayer was answered because the crab hasn't transfered into the new shell......

So then I kept telling Will that we need to just give the crab back to the pet store so they can help him get into a new shell. Will disagreed...so then I told Will that the crab was lonely and sad because he is alone all the time and he will like to go back with his friends at the pet store....

Well, the following day Will refused to leave the house without brining the crab cage with us!
I said, " Will the crab can not come out in the cold or he will die! "

Will's response was, " The crab is lonely and sad....I can't leave it! "

That day toting a crab everywhere brought a lot of smiles to random people's faces, so a least it was good for someone...but I am still thinking of ways to help this crab get into a new shell????

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