Tuesday, December 30, 2014

" Ugly Sweater " Pics for our Mexican Christmas!

Aunt Doreen had this idea for us all to wear "ugly " Christmas sweaters in Mexico, and take a picture together in them. I was super lucky that Will insists on always being Spider Man because the sweater that Kevin grabbed from Good Will for me ( it is near his office ), truly was more than ugly....
I wore the one he grabbed for Will, since Will is always wearing his Spider Man sweater.

It was so nice of Kevin to go choose a women's sweater for himself and a red sweater for Brooke that she decorated, since I had sick kids at home, school work, and packing to do!

Here we all are together an " Ugly Sweater " moment in Mexico!
Uncle Leonard, Dominic, Sophia , Aunt Tricia , Uncle Jeff, Alexa , Dad/ Kevin, Brooke, Mom/ Emily, Will, Grandma Dorothy, Alaina, Lydia and Aunt Doreen 

        Your Dad and his two brothers, his little brother Uncle Jeff, and his older brother Uncle Leonard ( Uncle Leonard is purposely trying to look mentally handicapped, he doesn't normally look like this )

                                Grandma Turano with all of her children together for Christmas

                                          Uncle Leonard and his only biological son Dominic

                                      Aunt Doreen with her two daughters Alaina and Lydia

                          Uncle Jeff with his wife Tricia, and their two children Alexa and Sophia

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