Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Abuelita is in Texas

The past couple years have been such a special time for me in getting to know my Grandmother from Guatemala.

I have never been able to visit with her so much in my life, as she has been coming to Texas about twice a year the past couple of years.

My Abuelita is so loving towards me. I love how even when I just mention that I am tired, or that I have one little ache or pain, my Grandma begins questioning and trying to find out with me what could be wrong with my health....She is also very worried about how many books I carry in my purse because she thinks it is terrible for my hurt neck. Which it probably is but I read all throughout the day at every moment I can catch open.

Now, if you know me, you know Grandma assessing my health with me actually could be a danger to me.... as we try and form diagnosis for all of my ailments. I have taken bodily ailments very seriously in the past....

But, I take care of people with even aids, tuberculosis, highly contagious bowel viruses, etc, in the hospital for almost three years now, So I am not worried about illness the same anymore... I have come a long way with that...

It's just so loving how Grandma wants to care for my health, and it reminds me of when I was little and she would come visit. She would go to my front yard, pick dandelions, bring them in the house and boil them over the stove for us to drink, her homeopathic dandelion recipie..She has lots of remedies for everything.

The greatest joy that is mine on this visit is the fact that Abuelita told me that she has been reading my spiritual insights and that she enjoys them, plus it is helping her English as she reads better in English than she speaks it.

Abuelita was cracking up as I was taking selfies with her! :) I loved it!

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