Tuesday, April 21, 2015

One Special Girl

Brooke, I wish that every mother could have a daughter like you. This past week you have saved me in my concerns, lifted a stranger up with your kindness and surprised me for no reason at all!

Last Thursday night I had been planning all day to go to the temple that night. Will had a particularly hard day and when the time came, I was in my dress and ready to go Will started crying real, very real sad tears that I wasn't going to be there to put him to bed. My heart sank not as much because of how I had been looking forward to going to the temple all day, but because my mind went to how Joseph Smith must have felt when his son didn't want him to have to be put in jail. My heart hurt because I imagined how sad I was that I was considering leaving my sad child for a couple hours, and what excruciating pain it must have been for Abraham whom was asked to sacrifice his son.
But, you helped me Brooke because you said, " Mommy, if you go to the temple tomorrow night I can put Will to bed for you. I just have homework tonight to do." I was so thankful that I you cared enough about your brother and my wishes, to offer to help me like that. Will was very happy to have your help saying his prayers and to hear singing to him, from his big sister the following night.
Thank goodness I am not Abraham or Joseph Smith, because I have a hard time leaving my children for a couple hours.

Your Dad and myself had been complaining about the bird squawking a lot lately. We kept one of my good friend Katheryn's brother over night a couple weeks ago. He had a brain injury that caused him to lose vision, and gave him short term memory loss. Steve can not drive a car on his own because of these things and he stays in an apartment, spending lots of time alone all day. Brooke, when I suggested that we give your bird to Steve because Skittles would have all day attention and Steve would love the bird you were sad, but you quickly decided it was best for your bird and Steve, just like the mature little girl that you always are.

On Sunday Morning I woke up to breakfast made by you Brooke! You had your own eggs cooked and a plate made and you came and got me from bed and said, " I made you breakfast, do you want to come eat it with me? " We sat down together and had a great breakfast Brooke.

How in the world did I ever deserve a daughter like you? And how I wish that everyone was as blessed as I am by you.

You are so special to me Brooke......

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