Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Will's Soccer Team

Will, You are so excited that your soccer team's name is " Stripling Warriors ", doesn't matter that the opposing teams know nothing about who the incredible young boys or Stripling Warriors, that you are remembering are.

You totally know who the Stripling Warriors are, and so do your team mates and today Will, I am positive that you do not doubt that your Mother knew it!

I told the coach I was sorry that you had a fever and couldn't come to practice the other day. He said,
" Don't worry about it, Will is the most entertaining on the team."

It is true Will. You are hilarious to watch play soccer because you act like your really are in some battle. Maybe you are taking the team name literally? ;) Actually I just think you can't get super heroes off your brain.

Before you run to kick the ball you strike a pose! Yes, like a super hero pose, frozen still with your hand out like you are going to shoot a web or blast someone with your Iron Man hand. It is a good thing that you are fast because you catch right up to ball even after first striking a pose before you go to get the ball!!!

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