Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Aunt Amy Shinsel

It is so fun that Aunt Amy and her family are here to visit us from Oregon. It's been a year and a half since we last saw them so the reuniting of cousins and sisters is very exciting!

We had fun at the park a couple afternoons ago.....

   Aunt Amy is my little sister, yet very wise and has always been much more advanced than I am...........

    Brooke and Sydney are about the same age difference as her Mom and I...About four years!

                                                 Brooke and Sydney love playing together....

   Surprisingly Wynn and Will are getting a long great! They are one year apart in age. Will being four and Wynn three.

      Sometimes it feels like Kevin is just one of the kids ;) It's awesome because they love to play with big and strong kids!

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