Monday, March 28, 2016

Silver - My Princesses Princess

It is pretty common knowledge that when spring comes we like to have some fun with a new pet in our house. My pet adventures have come to an end as Brooke has assured me that since I decided to get her - my princess - a princess cat of her own - she will not ever let me tire of her pets anymore, and " this one is going to college with her" as she reprimands me about only keeping pets temporarily - all these years of her life.

I am sure thankful that my family is patient with me and the ways that I like to entertain my children. ( Poor and nice Kevin )

And, Brooke really did deserve a pure bred Bengal queen, because Brooke has a royal heart that gives compliments, help and love to me non-stop.

Thank goodness that only a few days after Will telling me that I was obviously the " badest " driver in town....

I was able to hang onto the sweet thing that Brooke said to me, as we were driving - Brooke had her nose in a book as usual - but she suddenly looked up and said to me, " Mommy, I just found out that what you are is an optimist." I said, " Really? How do you know that? " She said, " Well, they just described the character in this book as an optimist and this character is always saying what is good about everything even when it is the worst thing happening - so now I know that you are an optimist."

I smiled, and said, " I am only an optimist because I have you as a daughter, nothing could ever go totally wrong with you around me. ;) "

Brooke also told me that I reminded her of the girl bunny in the movie Zootopia? I guess I do get to be quite relentless at times?

Brooke is having lots of fun with her cats. Actually her and Will have become quite obsessed with cats. I received a call from Grandma Pack as she was watching Brooke and Will one day, and she said,

" Emily, your kids are obsessed with cats. All they talk about is their cats, and they just want to watch the movie the Aristocats over and over."

Hmmmm......We have more influence over our children than we realize, don't we? I sure hope I can find some good lessons to teach Brooke and Will this time - rather than finding another person that I think will love our pet.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Wagon Will

 Little " Wagon Will " as they called him - had the time of his life at his pre-school Texas style Hoe-Down Day!

The thing about this cowboy is that his personality goes out with a bang every time that he speaks!

Will has been saying some things lately that let us know that these faces he makes go right along with what he is thinking - Super cute - intuitive - and well a little bit too smart for his own good sometimes!

This week alone Will has said verbatim -

" Mommy, I think you are a teenager." In shock I asked, " Why do you think I am a teenager? "

Will answered, " Well, you eat cookies all the time like a kid....pause.....and  if you keep eating them then you might grow up like Daddy, or you might get fat."

Pause....." But I kind of hope that you do get fat, because that would mean you were pregnant and then we could have a baby in our family."

Later in the week - At the store with Will and his girly friend. As Will and his friend were taking about what they wanted to buy - Will corrected himself and her as he suddenly said loudly,

 " Wait - we really don't need this stuff. The only thing we really need is God."

 Only mins. later Will didn't sound so sweet anymore as he said to the cashier ,

 " Do you know you have a beard? You must be getting old? "

In shock I defended the young man as I said to Will, " He is very young Will. That was not nice, please say sorry."

Will then said to the man, " Oh, I didn't notice that your beard was brown. I thought it was white, because if your beard was white then that would mean you were old. But your beard is brown so don't worry."

I am not sure if this one was manipulation to be able to watch another show but boy did his vocabulary surprise me as Will said, 

" Mommy, I don't want to watch that show because it is inappropriate." 

I thought...Does he know what inappropriate means? 

I said, " Why is it inappropriate? " 

He answered, " Because there are people looking at someone on the toilet and then it is really obvious who is was because when they are finished on the toilet they smack him."

Hmmmm.....Inappropriate, obvious? He is five!

I backed into my neighbors car the other day. She had it parked literally in my drive-way. When I asked her why she parked there she said that she needed to take a picture of her house without her car in the picture because she is going to sell her house?

Anyways, Will's response to this happening was,

" Mommy, it is obvious you are the badest driver in the town!"

 I said, " Okay, Will, then why does it take you so long to buckle up when we get into the car? You better buckle so you can be safe! And when you get older you can drive me around."

He said, " Okay, because I am going to buy the house next door then. But I don't want that house, so I will build another one instead of it."

When I asked Will how much of his pizza he ate last night, his answer surprised me when he said,
" 2/4 ths ."  I don't think he knows what that means but he really had eaten half when I looked!

Watch out World - You have got one straight shooting, honest, and God loving little man sneaking up on you! He will be driving me around in no time!!!!!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Brooke's 10th Birthday Bengal Themed

This year Brooke requested a cat themed birthday! Since Kevin is allergic to regular cats and we have always wanted to have more cats - Brooke and I got two more Bengal Cats ( house cat mixed with an Asian Leopard - No dander - No shedding and they act more like dogs ) .

I made Brooke's leopard print cake and we planned super fun games with Grandma Pack's help! Brooke also drew her own cat for the game pin the tail on the cat! It was a big hit of a game with these girls!

Of course glow in the dark cat ears brought some fun into the party and to top it all off they played Twister underneath Kevin's Disco Lights and the CD " Frozen "!!!!

Aunt Audrey's son Hyrum ended up being town for Brooke's girl birthday party - so he got to see all the fun of his cousin Brooke's birthday party!

Jeffrey - My Sweet Home Health Patient

My dear sweet Home Health Patient is finally out of the hospital and onto rehab. It is such a blessing to care for him. He even gave the camera a smile so that I can always remember him - even though he was feeling so terrible while in the hospital.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Brooke's Brother Loves Her

It is hard to believe that Brooke is ten-years old now. On Brooke's birthday this year Will gifted Brooke with one red rose that he chose out for her. 

Brooke thought it was sweet, yet Will was a bit embarrassed that I was taking pictures of him giving it to her. 

Brooke is growing into a spectacular young lady. 

Somethings that define who Brooke is at ten-years old are :

Reading - Brooke made the comment that it is funny that Will called her " Book " when he was a baby, because she does feel like a book since she is always reading one, and she said, " Without books, I wouldn't be me." 

Art - Brooke draws very creative pictures and loves art sets. In this way she must take after her cartoonist father whom also likes to draw?

Inventing things - It started when Brooke was a toddler and it hasn't phased out. Now that Will is old enough Brooke teaches Will to make things with cardboard and scraps lying around. No matter what it is Brooke could find a way to use it. 

I feel deeply blessed to have been given a daughter like Brooke. Everyday Brooke helps me around the house by choice, offers to watch Will if I need to do school work etc. and enjoys working with me on my calling for Activity Days as we plan and get together supplies for the crafts. 

I have no doubt that Brooke will bless every and all people whom know her in her life. 

I love you Brooke forever and no matter what.....

Special Treats For Will

                  Will was very excited this past December. Will could not wait to meet the
   " good guy " as he would call him, or " Uncle Allen " more formally called during prayer.

    Although Will had met my older brother for his baby blessing and briefly when Will was about eight months old - Will could not remember this.

 So mysterious was his Uncle Allen that he only knew he prays for safety and success in " getting
  the bad guys."

 Will absolutely loves the thought of protecting people, getting bad guys, and he especially loves Captain Moroni from the Book of Mormon - whom does all those things.

Will was in for a surprise this past Christmas since he learned that Uncle Allen knows everything about Star Wars - and Star Wars is Will's favorite thing.

Uncle Allen talked lots with Will about his favorite thing and even played with the Star Wars toys with him many a time.

To top it all off - Uncle Allen showed Will his FBI badge, and explained that he carries a gun at all times ;)

Will now has a wonderful person to put with the name " Uncle Allen " as we pray thankfully and with great faith that my brother  will be protected in his work to make this world a better place.