Thursday, March 3, 2016

Brooke's Brother Loves Her

It is hard to believe that Brooke is ten-years old now. On Brooke's birthday this year Will gifted Brooke with one red rose that he chose out for her. 

Brooke thought it was sweet, yet Will was a bit embarrassed that I was taking pictures of him giving it to her. 

Brooke is growing into a spectacular young lady. 

Somethings that define who Brooke is at ten-years old are :

Reading - Brooke made the comment that it is funny that Will called her " Book " when he was a baby, because she does feel like a book since she is always reading one, and she said, " Without books, I wouldn't be me." 

Art - Brooke draws very creative pictures and loves art sets. In this way she must take after her cartoonist father whom also likes to draw?

Inventing things - It started when Brooke was a toddler and it hasn't phased out. Now that Will is old enough Brooke teaches Will to make things with cardboard and scraps lying around. No matter what it is Brooke could find a way to use it. 

I feel deeply blessed to have been given a daughter like Brooke. Everyday Brooke helps me around the house by choice, offers to watch Will if I need to do school work etc. and enjoys working with me on my calling for Activity Days as we plan and get together supplies for the crafts. 

I have no doubt that Brooke will bless every and all people whom know her in her life. 

I love you Brooke forever and no matter what.....

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