Friday, March 18, 2016

Wagon Will

 Little " Wagon Will " as they called him - had the time of his life at his pre-school Texas style Hoe-Down Day!

The thing about this cowboy is that his personality goes out with a bang every time that he speaks!

Will has been saying some things lately that let us know that these faces he makes go right along with what he is thinking - Super cute - intuitive - and well a little bit too smart for his own good sometimes!

This week alone Will has said verbatim -

" Mommy, I think you are a teenager." In shock I asked, " Why do you think I am a teenager? "

Will answered, " Well, you eat cookies all the time like a kid....pause.....and  if you keep eating them then you might grow up like Daddy, or you might get fat."

Pause....." But I kind of hope that you do get fat, because that would mean you were pregnant and then we could have a baby in our family."

Later in the week - At the store with Will and his girly friend. As Will and his friend were taking about what they wanted to buy - Will corrected himself and her as he suddenly said loudly,

 " Wait - we really don't need this stuff. The only thing we really need is God."

 Only mins. later Will didn't sound so sweet anymore as he said to the cashier ,

 " Do you know you have a beard? You must be getting old? "

In shock I defended the young man as I said to Will, " He is very young Will. That was not nice, please say sorry."

Will then said to the man, " Oh, I didn't notice that your beard was brown. I thought it was white, because if your beard was white then that would mean you were old. But your beard is brown so don't worry."

I am not sure if this one was manipulation to be able to watch another show but boy did his vocabulary surprise me as Will said, 

" Mommy, I don't want to watch that show because it is inappropriate." 

I thought...Does he know what inappropriate means? 

I said, " Why is it inappropriate? " 

He answered, " Because there are people looking at someone on the toilet and then it is really obvious who is was because when they are finished on the toilet they smack him."

Hmmmm.....Inappropriate, obvious? He is five!

I backed into my neighbors car the other day. She had it parked literally in my drive-way. When I asked her why she parked there she said that she needed to take a picture of her house without her car in the picture because she is going to sell her house?

Anyways, Will's response to this happening was,

" Mommy, it is obvious you are the badest driver in the town!"

 I said, " Okay, Will, then why does it take you so long to buckle up when we get into the car? You better buckle so you can be safe! And when you get older you can drive me around."

He said, " Okay, because I am going to buy the house next door then. But I don't want that house, so I will build another one instead of it."

When I asked Will how much of his pizza he ate last night, his answer surprised me when he said,
" 2/4 ths ."  I don't think he knows what that means but he really had eaten half when I looked!

Watch out World - You have got one straight shooting, honest, and God loving little man sneaking up on you! He will be driving me around in no time!!!!!

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