Thursday, March 3, 2016

Special Treats For Will

                  Will was very excited this past December. Will could not wait to meet the
   " good guy " as he would call him, or " Uncle Allen " more formally called during prayer.

    Although Will had met my older brother for his baby blessing and briefly when Will was about eight months old - Will could not remember this.

 So mysterious was his Uncle Allen that he only knew he prays for safety and success in " getting
  the bad guys."

 Will absolutely loves the thought of protecting people, getting bad guys, and he especially loves Captain Moroni from the Book of Mormon - whom does all those things.

Will was in for a surprise this past Christmas since he learned that Uncle Allen knows everything about Star Wars - and Star Wars is Will's favorite thing.

Uncle Allen talked lots with Will about his favorite thing and even played with the Star Wars toys with him many a time.

To top it all off - Uncle Allen showed Will his FBI badge, and explained that he carries a gun at all times ;)

Will now has a wonderful person to put with the name " Uncle Allen " as we pray thankfully and with great faith that my brother  will be protected in his work to make this world a better place.

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