Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Silly and Sixteen

 Beloved Brooke, 

You are beloved by your family and so many people around you! Your friends and many from church showered you with love on this your 16th birthday! A Young Women's leader Sister Putman brought you treats yesterday, a young women in your class brought you a bunt cake, the missionaries mailed you a letter back!!! You mailed them one first in your gobs of letters to your loved ones that you send weekly in the mail, even though these loved ones of yours sit next to you in class at school.....your Grandma and Grandpa put birthday decor up in your room, even when we thought there was no space possible to put any thing else in your room! And, your friend from church Ally Stromness brought you a delicious heart full of Cookie Rack cookies today, on your birthday! Actually, there is one more thing that we don't know who did, decorated your front door with hearts that say, Brooke is : smart, beautiful, creative, talented and a daughter of God, on one heart each.

At sweet sixteen it is fun that you are silly, and yes, the sassy has surpassed anything I have seen in you yet! No matter your age you are always special and my smarty pants princess. 💝💝💝



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