Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Receiving the Keys - Will receives the Priesthood



Remember how much I love the statue of Peter in our house of Peter holding the golden key? This January, you and I and all of our family have been blessed so very much that you have received those " keys " that Peter was given by Jesus Himself. I think you have quoted Matthew 16: 18-19 more than any other scripture I have asked you to recite and that is because this scripture and scripture account is one of my all time favorites. The reason that it is my favorite is because of the fact that we can understand and we have a personal witness and our own experiences because these keys are active in our lives through the Priesthood ordinances that we have. 

That Priesthood is in use or active as we have the Holy Ghost with us, we are praying and saying sorry for something, so the power of Jesus Christ activates and cleanses us from or sin. 

I was explaining to you Will, just a few days before you would get the gift of the exact copy of that Priesthood key that Jesus told Peter, " I say unto you Peter, your name is Cephas ( which means rock ) and upon this rock I will build my church, and give you the keys of the kingdom, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. " , that just like our veins carry out blood around our body, since they have a outward layer carrying the blood to our entire body, so is the Priesthood like these veins in our body, but the Priesthood carries and delivers the power or the blood of Jesus Christ through out the body of His church, or to each of us it's members. We can't have access or a way to receive the power of Jesus Christ, if nothing brings it through us...

His Power travels through each of us that have been given the Holy Ghost through baptism and extra blood ( or His Priesthood Power given ) is brought to each part of the body that needs healing, or is in need of nutrients etc. 

So too do the Priesthood Holders bring extra power, healing, and words given, to each member of His church, whether it be by passing the Sacrament, or blessing the sacrament on Sundays, or if it be by serving in a calling that Priesthood Holders are called to. 

I am sure you understand about this power in the Priesthood because you were very excited about receiving the keys by Grandpa Pack and the leaders at church loved by us. 

Grandpa Pack shared with you that this is so special that when someone is given the Priesthood keys, it is recorded by whom and that name and person was given it by another Priesthood Holder, all the way tracing back to Jesus Christ Himself. 

If you ever wonder how special this gift is Will, think of this....

If someone gave you a key that belongs to the front door of a castle, the White House, or how about a Ferrari, would it be any less able to  give you access - to go into the castle, White House, or drive the Ferrari? No! It would be just as much yours having access to the keys in your pocket at all times. 

So, the power of God given to Peter is no different than the same power that Jesus Christ's church was set up with, or even our earth was created with. 

Don't lose those keys! Because those keys are much greater than the keys for your first car, or home...and they access eternal happiness. 

You chose yourself to serve the Bishopric the sacrament this Sunday Will, and you asked if I could also sit in a place where you'd serve to me. You did so wonderful! You asked to pray that morning in the car in the way to church that you would do a good job, even though we had already prayed at home. You gave thanks in the prayer that you can serve the Sacrament. I felt your sincerity. 

I know you will be serving me in that power of God, the rest of eternity, just as you will be serving all of our brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ and His church. 


       Mommy 💝

Grandpa and you playing on the floor at his and Grandma's house 

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