Thursday, December 22, 2022

Wills teachers said :



I am so proud of all of the hard work you have been putting in at school. Your teachers said some amazing things about youth before Christmas break. I had been talking to your teachers because you had the Flu and missed a lot of days, so we were trying to figure out how to catch you up through time after school with them and before school. You are even being selected for an award next semester. Here is what your teachers wrote to me: 

Mr.Branch said: 

 I have really enjoyed having Will in class. You would be so proud of him if you were able to see his interactions in class. He works hard, helps others, asks questions when he needs help and does all of the things that I ask him to do in class.

I am so proud of him and actually he is my second quarter Hays student of the quarter. He does not know yet but will find out when he gets back to school after break. I will also send out an invite for their recognition after break as well.

Mr.Roark :

Will absolutely works hard and tries his best! That's why I'm going to try hard to help him out. Will is a great kid and I'm very proud of the effort that he's given me since we got back from Thanksgiving. His final project was really good and I'm proud of him for taking the lead to make the project happen with his partner.

December Temple Trip

Will and Brooke, 
The morning we would go to the temple with Grandma and Grandpa Pack was peaceful and I felt blessed that you both got ready pretty quickly. On the way to the temple we talked about those who had not had the chance to be baptized into Jesus Christ's church with authority and that are our ancestors. Will, you were willing to do over thirty baptisms for make family members whom could now get the chance to receive the Holy Ghost and receive callings and ability to work in His kingdom also sharing His good news that Jesus Christ came to save ALL into a degree of glory. 

Will, as we walked out of the temple I explained to you what the prayer roll is and you put down one of your friends names. You didn't say so, but the friend you wrote doesn't have parents that teach about Jesus and does not believe in Jesus and so I knew the reason you put his name and his name only when you could have put more - is because you know that Jesus Christ and faith in Him is a gift and you wanted your friend to have Him. 

Brooke, You were happy to be at the temple and you said you felt the spirit there. 

I know both of you are blessed with faith and that you will do much in work for our Heavenly Father and Jesus; in Their work to bring to pass immorality and eternal life of all men and women on earth. 

I do take faith that if truly God is for us His children - We all will make it as They will not fail in Their goal of immorality and eternal life of us all. 

I love you Brooke and Will ! Entering into 2023 will be older and wiser for both of you. 

Love, Mommy 💝




Monday, December 12, 2022

Love Will and Anime



We still aren't sure how to pronounce all of the Japanese names of your favorite characters of the Anime shows you watch? We often try to have you teach us, and eventually you give up on trying to teach us, but you should be able to see how much we love your new found tribe since our entire family made a haul to Fort worth for an Anime Convention a few Saturdays ago and all for the love of YOU! Brooke pretended to have a nervous breakdown as we arrived upon the scene of many many young adults and even old men dressed in not just Anime Cosplay but in " Furry " as she called it costumes. I truly thought I was going to have to get Brooke an emergency counseling session after the event, but then as soon as we got to all the shopping she was gone? I practically had a heart attack thinking I had lost my Brooke that I drug out to a disturbing event to her, and when I found her, I said, " Brooke! Why did you leave me if you are so scared? " She said, " Mom, I was just joking. Will you get me this furry collar? " , " Brooke! (I squealed) , I was worried you really hated this and now I know you don't want that collar! ", " She said, " Okay, but will you get me this Doctor Who journal of River Song? Finally, something out of Brooke's mouth that I could believe, since she loves " Doctor Who ". To make an eventful day short, Will, you had so much fun with your friends - Apollo , and Jaxen. I loved seeing you have fun. One Japanese man said to me, " So everyone just ditched you and left the kids with you? You must be a nice aunt."I chose to be the one in charge of you Will; I let it be known that I am your Mom too! I took note of how I heard everyone speaking these characters names, but I still have a lot of characters that I have no clue who they are?


              Mommy 💝

Sunday, December 4, 2022

ThanksGiving 2022 - Dallas - Audrey's Family came to Thanksgiving


Blessed Brooke



You will be turning seventeen years old in a couple months and you still don't drive; but how can a mother of a daughter ( you ) complain to her child whom only missed ONE, only ONE question on your PSAT Test and how can a mother who receives letters after letters from the National Honor Society to the college's galore asking you to go see them complain about having the extra time with you in the car to and from your work or school? It's the only time I get with you! So, I won't complain, and maybe you are just so smart that you know you aren't ready to drive since you do have a lot of anxiety and are self-aware enough to know you might not need to deal with driving personally yet, as you have other physical ailments you deal with? Or maybe you are aware of the dangers of teenage driving? But, I will just enjoy you wanting me to drive you for awhile longer, because I know once you do drive - I won't see you even more! 

Brooke, You went with your theater class to the Gaylord a few weeks ago for a competition where you wrote an essay about doing the hair and make up of a character of a play. You were so disappointed you missed making it to Nationals by one point, but you had a great trip with your friends and teachers. 

Your essay on Ophelia from Shakespeare was impressive and really a clue into you as a strong woman you are, as you explained that while others don't focus so much on Ophelia from Shakespeare, you decided to because of the weak character she is displayed as, whom is portrayed to have gone crazy into suicide; while you chose to bring to light the strength you believe she felt as she killed herself, as an expression of her new found freedom where she was finally free from the manipulation of the men in her life. You chose to put her in her last scene as angelic and strong and that is because of who you are as a woman that you wanted other women to be portrayed in their strongest light; since you are a feminist who believes women are still being treated as second class citizens in many places around the world and while you aren't extreme about this it is part of what your Heavenly Father has given you, to be the influence you will need to be in your day. You keep mentioning you want a boy friend but I think you are just too smart for any of the boys your age. Of course, when I tell you it's just the boys your age who act the way you describe, you do remind me that Its normal to like guys your age, despite what I, your Mom likes. I am glad you are smarter than I am Brooke! You amaze me so often, and all of our family is blessed by your silly, smart, and beautiful you; to include your banter that I will complain of, even though I do know your Dad gets the worst of it! 

Love - Mommy 💝