Thursday, December 22, 2022

December Temple Trip

Will and Brooke, 
The morning we would go to the temple with Grandma and Grandpa Pack was peaceful and I felt blessed that you both got ready pretty quickly. On the way to the temple we talked about those who had not had the chance to be baptized into Jesus Christ's church with authority and that are our ancestors. Will, you were willing to do over thirty baptisms for make family members whom could now get the chance to receive the Holy Ghost and receive callings and ability to work in His kingdom also sharing His good news that Jesus Christ came to save ALL into a degree of glory. 

Will, as we walked out of the temple I explained to you what the prayer roll is and you put down one of your friends names. You didn't say so, but the friend you wrote doesn't have parents that teach about Jesus and does not believe in Jesus and so I knew the reason you put his name and his name only when you could have put more - is because you know that Jesus Christ and faith in Him is a gift and you wanted your friend to have Him. 

Brooke, You were happy to be at the temple and you said you felt the spirit there. 

I know both of you are blessed with faith and that you will do much in work for our Heavenly Father and Jesus; in Their work to bring to pass immorality and eternal life of all men and women on earth. 

I do take faith that if truly God is for us His children - We all will make it as They will not fail in Their goal of immorality and eternal life of us all. 

I love you Brooke and Will ! Entering into 2023 will be older and wiser for both of you. 

Love, Mommy 💝


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