Sunday, December 4, 2022

Blessed Brooke



You will be turning seventeen years old in a couple months and you still don't drive; but how can a mother of a daughter ( you ) complain to her child whom only missed ONE, only ONE question on your PSAT Test and how can a mother who receives letters after letters from the National Honor Society to the college's galore asking you to go see them complain about having the extra time with you in the car to and from your work or school? It's the only time I get with you! So, I won't complain, and maybe you are just so smart that you know you aren't ready to drive since you do have a lot of anxiety and are self-aware enough to know you might not need to deal with driving personally yet, as you have other physical ailments you deal with? Or maybe you are aware of the dangers of teenage driving? But, I will just enjoy you wanting me to drive you for awhile longer, because I know once you do drive - I won't see you even more! 

Brooke, You went with your theater class to the Gaylord a few weeks ago for a competition where you wrote an essay about doing the hair and make up of a character of a play. You were so disappointed you missed making it to Nationals by one point, but you had a great trip with your friends and teachers. 

Your essay on Ophelia from Shakespeare was impressive and really a clue into you as a strong woman you are, as you explained that while others don't focus so much on Ophelia from Shakespeare, you decided to because of the weak character she is displayed as, whom is portrayed to have gone crazy into suicide; while you chose to bring to light the strength you believe she felt as she killed herself, as an expression of her new found freedom where she was finally free from the manipulation of the men in her life. You chose to put her in her last scene as angelic and strong and that is because of who you are as a woman that you wanted other women to be portrayed in their strongest light; since you are a feminist who believes women are still being treated as second class citizens in many places around the world and while you aren't extreme about this it is part of what your Heavenly Father has given you, to be the influence you will need to be in your day. You keep mentioning you want a boy friend but I think you are just too smart for any of the boys your age. Of course, when I tell you it's just the boys your age who act the way you describe, you do remind me that Its normal to like guys your age, despite what I, your Mom likes. I am glad you are smarter than I am Brooke! You amaze me so often, and all of our family is blessed by your silly, smart, and beautiful you; to include your banter that I will complain of, even though I do know your Dad gets the worst of it! 

Love - Mommy 💝

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