Monday, December 12, 2022

Love Will and Anime



We still aren't sure how to pronounce all of the Japanese names of your favorite characters of the Anime shows you watch? We often try to have you teach us, and eventually you give up on trying to teach us, but you should be able to see how much we love your new found tribe since our entire family made a haul to Fort worth for an Anime Convention a few Saturdays ago and all for the love of YOU! Brooke pretended to have a nervous breakdown as we arrived upon the scene of many many young adults and even old men dressed in not just Anime Cosplay but in " Furry " as she called it costumes. I truly thought I was going to have to get Brooke an emergency counseling session after the event, but then as soon as we got to all the shopping she was gone? I practically had a heart attack thinking I had lost my Brooke that I drug out to a disturbing event to her, and when I found her, I said, " Brooke! Why did you leave me if you are so scared? " She said, " Mom, I was just joking. Will you get me this furry collar? " , " Brooke! (I squealed) , I was worried you really hated this and now I know you don't want that collar! ", " She said, " Okay, but will you get me this Doctor Who journal of River Song? Finally, something out of Brooke's mouth that I could believe, since she loves " Doctor Who ". To make an eventful day short, Will, you had so much fun with your friends - Apollo , and Jaxen. I loved seeing you have fun. One Japanese man said to me, " So everyone just ditched you and left the kids with you? You must be a nice aunt."I chose to be the one in charge of you Will; I let it be known that I am your Mom too! I took note of how I heard everyone speaking these characters names, but I still have a lot of characters that I have no clue who they are?


              Mommy 💝

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