Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Motherhood Moments

With Will Mobile a lot has changed. Brooke has always been very protective of Will. She used to just sit and play with him, and now she is following him everywhere on her own will. I haven't gotten used to his mobility yet, because when I sat him down with some toys to take a shower, I had high hopes he would just sit there and play. He did just the opposite and ended up holding onto the bathtub next to my shower. He was enjoying turning the water on and off, when Brooke screams, " Mom, I don't want Will to fall! " Then she sat down right behind him. Moments later Brooke is in tears screaming, " This is too hard, to control him I am taking him off this and I am going to make him sit." I am on my way out of the quickest shower you have ever seen by this point, but before I could step out Brooke had opened the door and Will was getting soaked and half way in my shower. Just then, Brooke said, " Mom, I don't want anymore babies because they are too hard, and then we would have to move again, or at least change the rooms in our house, like Jake did." I explained to Brooke that Will is going to be climbing up on things and that she didn't have to follow him everywhere. But she said, " I just don't want Will to get hurt. " Showers will have to be in a pack and play from now on.

A few things happened with the hairbrush today, one was cute, and one not so cute, but admittedly funny.

First, Will found a hairbrush amongst the toys and he actually picked it up and started to brush the little hair he has. He then paused, sat the brush down for a moment, then started rubbing the top of his head with his hand. Then he noticed his ear, and started pulling on his ear. Then again he picked up the hairbrush and began brushing his hair again. This was so cute I was sending a text to Kevin about it. Moments later, Will had made his way over to me, pulled himself up on my shoulder and started brushing my hair with the brush in his other hand!

Second, I was feeding Will his baby food because when Will is hungry, he must be fed immediately. I began hearing Brooke's little feet running all over the house. I started to wonder what was going on when I heard banging in the upstairs bathroom. As soon as Will was done, I found Brooke had captured Juma. She was curled up in a corner of the bathroom, and was soaking wet. Brooke said, " Mommy, doesn't Juma look pretty? I was making her pretty with a bath and brushed her. I wanted her to look nice for "Bring Your Pet to School Day" tomorrow. And I didn't want her to get my school dirty either." I am sure you can guess which brush she had used on the cat. Yes, it was mine. Hopefully, Juma will be as gracious as she was with Brooke grooming her tomorrow, when dozens of kids will be staring at her at the preschool for this "Bring Your Pet to School Day."


  1. life with kids is never dull!!! cute stories :)

  2. That is so cute that Will was trying to brush his hair and yours. Your poor cat. First a bath from Brooke then pet day at school with a bunch of dogs. I bet she was glad to be home after that. :)
