Thursday, April 28, 2011

Salutations from the Bunny

While dying Easter Eggs with Abuelita ( Grandma Escobar ), we learned that on Easter, in Guatemala, they celebrate Domingo de Resurreccion. They have floats come down a street, lined with dyed saw. It looks like a beautiful rug. There are statues of Christ set up all around the streets, and they spend the week giving Christ, the credit he deserves. The Easter Bunny came to Grandma Pack's house, so Brooke was lucky to get many gifts from Grandma Pack and the Easter Bunny.

We added something extra to the eggs this year. The story behind this actually comes from the Easter before Kevin and I got married. I filled up Easter Eggs with compliments for Kevin, and had him go on an Easter Egg Hunt. Most people would think this was corny, but Kevin is a true romantic, so he appreciated it. I came across an article this year. I was surprised to see my idea that I had for Kevin, for kids. It talked about building their confidence. This year, Kevin wrote some things down for Brooke. I meant for us to do it together. It was the night before,when we were supposed to be writing a list together about Brooke's nice qualities. We ended up watching movies and staying up until 3am and I totally forgot. I was glad that Kevin was able to make a list and print it, when he ran by his office the next day.
Here are some of the things Brooke found in her eggs, along with bubble rings, eight balls, and candy. Brooke was very surprised to know how well the Easter Bunny knows her, and she thinks he is watching all the time now.

You are good at sharing your toys.

Your smile is infectious.
You are generous with your belongings.
You are a good sister.
You are your Mother's best helper.
You Can draw well.
You are a good athlete.
You are good at solving problems.
You can run very fast.
You are the smartest kid in the world.

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