Saturday, April 2, 2011

The uncommon crawl

Will finally gave in and started crawling last week. Make no mistake about it however, that this is not just a common crawl. He began the first few days by putting his hands out like and orangatain and swinging his bottem forward. Then it progressed into what is now what we call the " Gimp leg crawl. " He looks like a wounded soilder as he drags his right leg as if it has been shot in battle. He doesn't like the fact that he is crawling. He complains almost every second he is crawling, until he can get to some sort of furniture, or me and pull himself up to standing. He also can walk with the walker! Progression is good, but my days of running on the treadmill while he would sit and watch Baby Einstein are over. If he wasn't the cutest thing I have ever seen, I would mind being his personal walker.


  1. i can't wait to see him in action soon. lets get together this week! i don't plan on going back to corpus for a looong time-hopefully! thanks again for the sweet treat you dropped by. you are so thoughtful!

  2. We should for sure get together. I told Amanda and Melissa that you were going to plan a gno soon too, cuz I know you can get more girls to come out than I can.
    Glad you traveled safe. I hope ammons scedual hasn't been too disturbed.

  3. He is so adorable! Love his big eyes and sweet smile. And yay for crawling!!

  4. What a cutie! It is always fun watching them learn new things like crawling and walking.
