Friday, April 1, 2011

Kindergarten Registration

To say that Brooke loves school would be an understatement. Whenever we get a break from school for Christmas, etc. Brooke actually gets sad that she wont have school that week. In just the past month some of the comments her preschool teacher ( Mrs.Cori , of two years at Little Saints Preschool ) has said, are that : Brooke is the quickest in the class. When reading stories and recalling the facts, the other children hardly understand the concept, and Brooke answers every question correctly and enthusiastically. Brooke knows not only every letter and sound, but also knows the difference between vowels and consonants. Lastly, when I mentioned that I hope Brooke gets a good teacher next year, she said that it wouldn't matter what teacher Brooke got, that she has a great time no matter what.
It was no surprise that when we registered Brooke for kindergarten yesterday, that she was thrilled. Baker Elementary school, that Brooke will attend is within walking distance from our house. It is named an Exemplary school, by the Texas Education Agency. Brooke was a little worried about having to get a couple more shots before she can attend. She asked me the whole way there, if she would have to get her shots today for kindergarten. When she realized today was not the day to finish up her shots because were on our way home, bandage free. Brooke said, " Mommy, when I do have to get my shots, I am just going to be brave." She also told me before bed time during our little talks on her bed after family prayer, " Mommy in the movie Mega Mind, he turned bad because when he was little, the kids hurt his feelings, and it made him want to be a mean person. I think they made that movie so that kids would learn not to be bad, even if your feelings get hurt." Why she is analyzing why movie makers made a movie, is beyond me, but if she keeps up with this kind of behavior, I am going to have to go back to college just to help her with her homework.


  1. my kids are the same way about preschool-2nd grade(aubrey has just started to not "looove" school like she used to. shes in 3rd grade and its WORK now:) haha. i remember aubrey in kindergarten crying one morning before school because she had gotten sick and she still wanted to go to school and i wouldn't let her. i'm such a mean mom! lol. now she is thrilled if she gets to stay home. enjoy the enthusiasm while you can:) i am.

  2. That is not a mean mom to not let your kids go to school if they are sick. I will enjoy it while it lasts. I know little saints has been a sheltered school experience still.

  3. I can't believe Jace and Brooke will start Kindergarten in the fall. Love that picture of Brooke!
