Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Grandma from Guatemala visits Texas

We have been looking forward to Grandma from Guatemala coming to visit for awhile now. Kevin even ordered a " Learn to speak spanish " CD about a month ago. He started listening to it in the car on his drive to and from work. Now that Grandma is here, Kevin has had better spanish convarsation with Grandma than I have, hands down. I didn't know about the CD listening until a few days before Grandma got here. Alida de Escobar is my Grandmother's full name. She is eighty-five, and she is very healthy. Through geneology we have found some new relatives to be mentioned in our history. Grandma brought a very interesting gift from Guatemala as a result of this. She brought me a two hundred dollar quetzales. This bill has my Great, Great, Great Grandfathers face on it. His name is Sebastian Hurtado. Sebastian was one of the inventors of the chromatic marimba. In Guatemala, marimba music can be seen and heard everywhere, even in the remotest corners of the country. The marimba is, in fact, the national instrument of Guatemala, and has been an important part of holiday celebrations for hundreds of years.

Since Grandma has been here we have done some fun things, like dinner at Glorias, where I tried my first fried bannana. I made stuffed chicken for dinner at my house one night, and lastnight, Grandma Pack, Abuelita ( We call her that since it is Grandma in spanish ) , Brooke and I made cupcake bunnies for Brooke's Easter party at pre-school today.

Will absolutely loves Abuelita. He really has taken a special liking to her. He actually gives her big bear hugs when she holds him and lays his head against her cheek and closes his eyes. Today, after the Easter party we ate lunch at our house, and as Grandma Pack and Abuelita left, they waved and said goodbye. Will for the first time said, "Bye" and waved to them.


  1. That is neat you are able to spend some time with your Grandma. Sounds like you are having a fun time with her. Those cupcakes are adorable.

  2. hope you have had a wonderful week with your grandma-she is so cute! :) you can tell she sure loves her grandkids!

    and its totally sweet that your hubby studied up on spanish before she visited-love it!

    cute cupcakes too! have a great easter tomorrow!
