Monday, August 29, 2011


Kevin has a fascination for flying. Before Kevin and I were married, we were off on one of our adventures and Kevin spotted something really strange flying in the sky. Despite our plans, we began chasing the curious flying object. We drove around for at least an hour trying to get a closer look at this thing. Kevin was determined to find the landing spot by following in our car , even though it was pretty high in the sky. We followed this flying machine more than once, actually probably every few months when we would see it. Finally, a few years back Kevin found his experimental flying machine. It looks like a go-cart in the sky, with a parachute attached. It is called a " Power-chute ". I haven't done the research myself like I probably should, but Kevin says they are very safe. Safer than actually parachuting, because you know the chute is going to work, because you can't get up into the air, with out it. Kevin's first ride in a power-chute was on his birthday. I wont name, which number. ;) I prayed the whole time he was in the air, that my children would still have a Dad when his flight was over. I wouldn't let Brooke come to see it, just in case. He still hasn't talked me into it, but I know eventually I will ride with him. Kevin has flown enough times, that he qualifies to drive it on his next ride. Kevin and his friend Dallin went out a few weekends ago to fly. Dallin got some good video.

Kevin has also been in an acrobatic plane, and did complete flips in the air, with Major's pilot a few years back. He called me after a ride one time, when I was pregnant with Brooke. He told me about how crazy it was, and I almost had a heart attack just hearing about it.

Andy, my little sister's husband is a pilot. Andy let Kevin fly his plane once when we went on a trip to Utah, back when Amy and Andy were at BYU, Utah. I was on that plane ride. It was so beautiful, but it took me awhile to stop freaking out, because I was in a plane smaller than a four door sedan, and Kevin, who knew nothing about flying, was flying it over the Wasatch mountains. Not to mention Brooke was being watched by my parents.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it. with kevin, i can see there is definitely never a dull moment:)
