Tuesday, January 17, 2012

College Plans

(pic from Mother's Day 2009)

                                                                     January 2012
( almost six years! )

Fully realizing that the days that Brooke begs me to put braids in her hair, and make necklaces with her while Will naps, just wont last forever makes me love these moments even more. I will remind her someday of a day last week. We were driving to school and Brooke said to me, " Mommy, I have something to tell you. " I said, " Okay..." She said, " I don't want to go to college Mommy." Brooke and her Dad have a big jar in the garage that they put all loose coins in that they find and Daddy calls it her "college fund ". They talk about it frequently. Although, this really isn't her college money, we want to her to think about college already. I was very surprised at her comment, since she gets very excited and proudly states to us any time she has put coins in the " college fund. " I asked her why she didn't want to go, and when I heard the quiver in her voice I looked back at Brooke, to see tears coming down her face. She said, " I don't want to go to college because then I can't live with you Mommy. " I couldn't help but smile, and I told her that I would move to wherever she wanted to go to college. She was surprised, and she then said, " Even to Utah? " I said, " Sure, Daddy and I will move to Utah. Then she said, " I want to go there, so I can marry someone who has a job, and makes good choices." The having a job, comes from her Dad reminding her she needs to marry someone with a good job, and the making good choices comes from me telling her she will meet lots of people when she gets older, that don't make good choices. I was very proud of our conversation, and I hold it in my heart because I know that she really wont want us to move to Utah with her, or where ever she goes to college, and if she does, then I will try my best to go, because she will always be the little princess who loved to wear a crown, and dance with her little brother.  

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