Friday, January 27, 2012

Male bonding time

Kevin likes to give himself credit that one of his life long dreams was fulfilled by having the chance to raise a boy of his own. When we decided to start trying to have a baby, Kevin bought this book, " How to choose the sex of your child." He read the book cover to cover, and then he made me read it out loud to him while on a road trip for the second time. He then underlined all the important parts in the book and proceeded to make a calender where we tracked my temperature, and other stuff that is t.m.i.

I started to get worried on the second month of this, that what if I got pregnant and it was a girl, would Kevin be able to love the baby the same. We had lots of talks that of course he would, but that he had to do everything in his power to have a little boy.

When we got an early sonogram, Kevin was in denial that he would actually have both sexes for children, like his perfect wish. He likes to take the credit, but I know that he probably got blessed with a boy because he is such a good Dad, and he was blessed with this to bring him joy. Since God said, " Men are that they might have joy. "

Kevin deserved the little boy that he tried so hard to make happen!

Will has always had all the traits, that separate a little boy, from a little girl, but Daddy is really coming to enjoy the " boy time " that he has been having with Will. They have been enjoying building blocks, playing ball and as always wrestling around on the floor. It's a good thing that Brooke likes to rough house too, because she wont pass up a little wrestling around either!

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