Monday, January 30, 2012

Tunnel Vision

Persistence, determination, and tunnel vision focus is something that apparently both of the kids have inherited from me. Proof of these strengths, that are also my biggest weakness, is in the fact that, at eighteen years old I got hired as the youngest sales rep ever, at the telephone company Sage Telecom. More proof, is after being one of the best sales reps they had, after only six months, I was promoted to Sales Quality Analyst, where I trained, held discipline action meetings with the fifty sales reps that I monitored sales calls for, and also I served as a liaison between two out sourcing telemarketing companies that Sage used. I held training meeting over the phone with their sales managers to ensure the same sales process, that Sage used in Texas. After working for Sage for three years, I went to work for Kevin. Good thing I love sales, because it lead me to him!

Brooke has proven to have these same qualities her whole life, but as of lately her tactic of negotiation has turned to into begging.  

The things that Brooke has been begging for are: Having to wear a dress every single day! It used to just be the school days that she insisted on wearing a dress. Now it is happening on the weekend! And this weekend she was begging to wear princess costumes out in public. I probably would let her just to take a picture, and show her how silly she was later in life, but it's just too cold for her to be wearing a tutu in January!

Will shows his determination by pushing chairs all over the house to climb on top of the counter to get what he wants, and of course, we can't forget , learning to open child proof locks before age one!

 But to my surprise Will picked up on Brooke's lingo very quickly.

So I say to Will to get out of the Kitty's closet, and stop playing with her food. With his big brown puppy dog eyes, he says to me, " Please Mama, please, please."  I was almost laughing, that he was begging me to continue playing in the cat food.

Will has also picked up the word , " Hey" and it's kind of funny. Whenever I turn the music off Will says,        " Hey " just like Brooke, when I turn off a movie, because it's time to do homework, or move on from tv time.

Determination can be a good thing, but I have learned my lesson, of moderation in all things finally, and I contuinue to work on not " tunnel vision focusing on one thing " because although that is great for a time, it can also lead to other important things being neglected.

Always stay in check my children. Too much of anything can be bad.

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