Monday, January 9, 2012

Secrets of Southwest Airlines

The amount of times that Kevin has mentioned business ideas being mapped out on napkins never quite sank in as deep for me, until this time when I saw the proof of South West Airlines being started that way. It reminded me of the time when Kevin told me the story about how he started his company over cocktails, with a few really good friends. 

The idea that Kevin had about asking a relative of Mark's to let us inside the maintenance center of South West Airlines was more than a prop plane of an idea; it was a Jumbo 747.  It was absolutely fascinating to see these planes up close! 

We got our own personal tour of the airplanes, and we had to have special security clearance and sticker badges, that allowed us to be near the airplanes. If onlly Will was just a little older, he would have been in heaven. Will does like airplanes, and he says " Whoa " when he sees them.

          This what a Boing 737 looks like with the interior removed!  They were replacing all of the windows.
                                         Amazing to see what is 'under the skin' of the jet engine.
 To sit INSIDE the jet engine of a 737 could not be grased by Brooke, but someday when she sees the picture she probably be shocked that her and I both sat in it together.

As if Kevin needed more reason to be nervous to fly.  We couldnt believe how thin the peice of aluminum seperating us and 30,000 feet.  Did I say "aluminum".  Yes, aircraft grade aluminum.

               ...and here is one of the few the lucky boys who gets to use a Boing 737 for  a jungle gym.
                                                     (this was not an active run way)
 Note: Don't ever pack anything you actually care about in your suitcase that will be shoved into this tiny compartment that even pets use for their transportation.
                                   Who ever knew what an airplane looked like without it's nose!
                 Mark, his friend Rene and the Turano family.  We ate this up - but no peanuts this time.

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