Friday, March 30, 2012

Her Royal Entrance

Weather perfect, check... ( Not too humid this time in Florida, and it was even breezy enough that you could wear a jacket sometimes )

Have all your favorite people surrounding you, Check....( With out Grandma and Grandpa Pack at Disney World just wouldn't be as fun )

Belly satisfied, check..... (Unlimited supply of sweets and treat stands surrounding you )

Everything had been brewing to make a perfect day, just like the perfect princess that was ready to see the infamous castle.

She loved watching the twenty min." Dream Along with Mickey " show that featured all of her favorite characters. Daddy's shoulders were a perfect throne to put her highness, high enough to see all her favorite characters perfectly.

      Brooke had been asking for me to make her look like Belle for a few weeks before the trip. She was very excited to finally have a bun up, curled hair and the Belle dress on. She was ready for her royal entrance.

   I have been going to Disney for twenty-eight years. This was the first time I wore tennis shoes there since I was fifteen and my Mom stopped making me wear them......

Friday, March 23, 2012

Fairy God Mother says now now, no tears princess

 Grandma and Grandpa Pack had been having problem after problem, as they came down early to enjoy some time alone. It wasn't as they expected. They didn't get their luggage until 2:30am at the mistake of Disney. Shortly after, they were awoken to a knock at the door after 3am, when they had called for extra blankets hours before. They ended up changing hotels. It would be the third hotel room Grandma and Grandpa were moving too, as us Turano's arrived in Orlando. We wanted adjoining rooms so they could share in the excitement with the kids. Also so that we could put the kids to bed and Kevin and I sneak back out, at night.

 I am sure that Grandpa felt like our Fairy God Mother, having to perfect everything for us.. After all the mess at the hotel, all his chores were done. He had been to two different grocery stores to buy Will's food, find some dry ice to store it in, he had gotten Mom to the gym and more.

Even though some nasty step-sisters didn't rip our little Brooke's ball gown apart, that night we arrived.....

Brooke's little heart was torn apart as we finally had arrived at the Animal Kingdom lodge where we were staying. She heard the hotel associate telling us, that although he saw in the computer, that we had requested adjoining rooms three times, and confirmed it twice that day...Some one had messed up and they would not be able to give it to us....

The Princess was crying, of course probably also because it was almost midnight and her dress was about to turn into rags, the carriage into a pumpkin, and her parents into mice. 

But Fairy God Mother wouldn't have anyone crying. After all he is magic...

He told the manager how long we had been coming to Disney, and if they couldn't do something to fix this, then Disney just isn't the Disney that it used to be....

With the wave of his wand, our surroundings transformed...We did have to get into a car for it to happen, but we went from a very beautiful hotel that we were very excited to stay at, to the most luxurious, most grand, most elegant hotel on all of Disney property.

The magic of walking into the hotel, made all of the fear of changing into pumpkins, mice, and rags go away. The kids were giddy, and full of energy all the sudden.

We had a once in a life time chance of staying at the Grand Floridian Spa and Resort. It was so nice to walk into this hotel after a busy crazy day at the parks. As you would arrive each day there was a sense of peace with light piano music playing. There wasn't very many people staying there because it is so incredibly expensive to stay there.

We felt like Royalty, staying right on the monorail and in such a beautiful place.

And little princess Brooke was where she belonged, in all of her princess gowns. She fit right in with the chandeliers, and marble floors. Thank you fairy God Mother for not giving up it ;)

When Kevin and I were on our Honey Moon, Kevin vowed one day that we would stay at this Grand Floridian Hotel. It was both a dream of ours. We didn't think it would come true so soon.

Our rooms had balcony's over looking the lake and you could see Magic Kingdom and the pavilion and man made beach where weddings are held.

I loved seeing Grandma and Grandpa looking out the balcony together that first night. I snuck a sneaky picture ;)

I also have so many more pictures of our resort. I will be going threw pictures more and adding more, that I will email to you as I go along. :)
So many pics to go threw, but I need to get started!

Sitting by the wing

Our anticipation just couldn't be grounded any longer. Brooke's excitement was ready to take soar on that airplane that we had been telling her about for months. She isn't fascinated with airplanes, like Will, but she knew it would take her to her dream destination, only she didn't know how much of a dream she was really about to experience.

When we got to the airport we experienced our first streak of little recognized blessings, that would come to us for the entire AMAZING trip, that we had to Disney World. The parking was full, and we thought that we were going to have to park all the way at remote parking. ( It would have been really close on time, had we needed to do that.) I asked Kevin to double check that we were even in the right place and what the recommendation from the valet parking employees would be? When he asked, we were offered valet parking at the same price, because of the inconvenience. Valet parking was very nice, with four suitcases, two car seats and a stroller. One of the suitcases carried a conventional oven to cook Will's french fries. It also included his bedding.

We made it just on time to pre-board early because we had a baby. Will saw the airplanes out the window and got immediately excited.....

For the next two hours, the only noise besides screaming that we would hear out of Will's mouth would be, "Whoa, airplane! " or just " plane! plane ! "

Thank goodness that Brooke is so patient because Will climbed all over her a lot of the flight. Will did this because of the fact that we were seated right next too, the visible wing of the plane. Will could not get enough of seeing out the window! Patient and sweet was Brooke in the moments that Kevin was too tired to wrestle Will down and make him sit in his lap, put up with sharing the window very nicley. Grandpa Pack always thinks that sitting closer to the emergency exit and wing of the plane is more safe, so this detail of being in view of the wing, made it impossible for Will to forget what kind of transportation that we were in! It was only the begining of a new world of transportation that he would be exposed too soon.

The three hours of exhaustion with Will climbing all over us was totally worth it, but I am not sure it was worth it to the people sitting next to us. We apologized multiple times, and by the end of the flight, I think they just gave in to Will's excitement about the plane, because they were all playing with him. They could have just been sick of the word plane, over and over, because they were trying to give him all kinds of other items he could play with...

Brooke had been on airplanes so many times before, but she said to me many times, " Mom, I don't rememberer seeing the world below us when we flew on an airplane before?...I don't even remember going in the sky?" I guess it was a new experience for her, even though it wasn't a first?

You would think that once we landed and were headed to baggage claims, that it should be free sailing from there? Well actually it was the most stressed out that I had been the entire trip so far! We had to go down escalators, and that is a fear of mine. It comes from wearing six inch heels most my life and being that the mall is the only place where I really went on escalators, well my hands would be full of shopping bags. I just can't go on escalators anymore after almost tripping on them so many times. So Kevin thinking this is ridiculous left me and Brooke at the top of the escalator and he had all the bags! Which meant I had no cell phone, and no idea where baggage claim for our flight was?

Brooke and I wandered around the Orlando airport for about twenty min. until we found our baggage claim. We didn't have a phone, so it took us awhile.

Grandpa had been sent to look for us, so we had to round him up after we found Kevin, Will and Grandma Pack at our baggage claim.

 8pm was the time, and relaxation finally came in Grandma and Grandpa Pack's rental car, headed towards, and on the look out for famous mouse's face....

I had some really funny pics of plane ride of Will climbing all over Brooke, but I haven't been able to retrieve them off camera....will add them later

Friday, March 16, 2012


Our annual circus night this year we decided to invite Brooke's best friend Brooke to go with us! Since she rides with us to school, Brooke and I were quizzing Brooke about what kinds of animals she has seen in her life, or if she had been to a circus? Brooke couldn't wait to share the circus experience with her since her answer about if she had ever seen and elephant, was " I have seen an elephant on TV." Brooke Turano squealed with excitement, " We are going to ride on a REAL elephant tonight! " They were giddy with smiles and anticipation all day at school, about the circus they would go to that night.
The cotton candy was a messy, yummy treat that they had been waiting for all day! The magical changing of dresses act continued to be a favorite. It was the first time that Brooke rode the elephant with out me, and I have to admit that I missed my ride with my Brookie, but it was the first time that I got to see her huge smile and awww of what she was doing, expressed on her face.

Will was taking in the circus for his first time, since last year he was too little. He loved when the tigers jumped thru fire, and he said, " Ouch hot. " Kevin had to take Will to walk around a few times, and he got right up to the gate with the animals behind it. At one point Kevin said that Will was dancing, and these Mexicans were getting a show from him! He even grabbed onto the legs of the Mother of the group and was dancing in between her two legs, while holding on to her pants on each side! Will is just too out going for his own good sometimes!

Will's highlight of the show was riding the pony. He could hardly wait in line, he kept trying to escape to run up and pet it, as he yelled, " horse, horse. "

As we dropped Brooke off and walked her to her door, Brooke and Brooke cuddled up into a ball and held onto each other so tight, that no one could tear them apart. They had a great time, and we had a great time watching all the kids so happy!

 we can't wait to see what next years circus will bring?!?!?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

 When I was little, of so many, there are three things that really stand out in my mind that my sister Audrey did for me, She read me chapter books at night before we would go to bed. She didn't just read the books to me either, she actually made different voices for the characters! I loved when Audrey dressed up as a fairy and would leave me surprises under my pillow. I wasn't asleep yet, and she knew it. It was a fun game! When Grandma and Grandpa were out on dates, Audrey let Amy and I play restaurant. She sat us at the bar stools and made us a fake menu, and said we could order what ever we wanted. It was so much fun to pretend we were out and we had our own personal cook!

The nicest person in the world

Even when my sister Audrey comes for a Mommy break trip from the chaotic life of a mother, she just can not stop thinking of others. It's just not in her to think for even one moment about something that could only benefit her.

Audrey continues to be one of my best friends, a role model for me, and one of the nicest people I have ever met. She actually is the nicest person I have ever met in my life! I loved having Audrey visit, with my newest niece Fawn. Audrey stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Pack, so they could have some one on one time, and to get to know Fawn better. We did some shopping, and went to a fishing derby that Kevin wanted to go to, but Audrey wouldn't leave until she helped me with some cleaning, did some energy work on me, and the most special thing that she did was suggested that we go have lunch up at the school with Brooke.

Audrey told me that she wanted Brooke to know that she loved her. She explained that normally she has all her kids with her, and that this would be a perfect opportunity to give Brooke some extra attention, with out all of her kids around.

Brooke loved us coming up her school to have lunch with her Aunt. Brooke had a smile on her face the whole time. She loved telling Audrey about her teacher, and the other Kindergartners that she knew, and pointed them out to her. I am sure that Brooke will remember how sweet and kind that Aunt Audrey is to her.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Turano

                                           Will was showing off with some new dance moves
(Brooke joined in to Will's duck waddle dance moves )

We all love having Grandma and Grandpa Turano stay at our house for the weekend of Brooke's birthday party. Grandma Turano as always, is helping with everything we need to get done, from the moment she walks in the door. She is a great example of service and hard work. Folding laundry, unloading the dishwasher, changing diapers, you name it, if it's work, she will think of it! This year Grandma brushed Brooke's doll date, Kanini's  hair for probably almost an hour, in preparation for the party. Brooke enjoyed showing Grandma all of her American Doll's personal closet and clothes. Grandpa and Daddy, as always, run errands for us in order to sneak out of the house and take a peek at the nursery down the street. ( They both like trees and plants.) Our outing this trip besides the party, was a dinner to the same Olive Garden that Kevin's parents, first met my parents. Grandma told Brooke about it while we were waiting for our table. I guess that I am officially a " Turano " because this visit, I actually won the card game for the first time in seven years! It was the first time I actually learned how to play it too! I haven't won again yet, but it's okay, the bet if I had won was that we would go and get ice cream. We went and got some the next week, even though I lost ;)

Brooke's Sixth Birthday Party!

Brooke had her heart set on an American Girl birthday party this year. After seeing the elaborate two story doll store/hair salon/ restaurant this summer, Brooke knew this had to be it, and she asked me about a million times if she was having her party there for sure? Since Brooke got "Kanini", the doll of the year, for Christmas, I agreed before I even looked into the price! Sorry Kevin, not responsible on my part. So she had her heart set, and I had said yes.

Brooke invited all the girls in her class, and a couple of her neighborhood friends. It was a really cute party! All the girls brought their doll, to eat a four course meal along side them, in a doll chair that attaches to the table. The girls that didn't have a doll were able to borrow one from the store.

Brook was enthralled with many things at the party. She had her best friend Brooke by her side the whole party! They ran hand in hand to greet their classmates, and then all the little girls jumped up and down, they were so excited to see each other! Brooke felt  special that she got to be the only girl with a special birthday crown, to match all the dolls that they gave one to as well.

The first thing they brought out was pink lemonade for the girls, and a little tea cup and plate ( doll size ) for their dolls. Ordering the food was the fun part ;) Thank goodness we had Grandma Turano helping all the girls make their choices and helping the girls remember what they chose when the waitress asked them.
At one point of the craziness, I leaned over to Kevin and half way laughing I said, " I can not believe that after vowing not to take our two children to restaurants,( because it ends up being so hectic), here we are taking eight girls to dinner tonight!"  The anticipation was much of the fun, at this kind of party. They couldn't wait to get to the famous American Girl store, and then they couldn't wait to order their food, and pretend  to give their lemonade to the doll. It was by the end of the meal, they really got anxious for the cake. These girls actually did really well, considering the party was almost two hours long! That is a long time for these little five and six year old girls at a dinner table!

After the cake these girls had,had it with sitting there. They went into the hallway near our table and started to play ring around the Rosie's! Brooke, had her best friend Brooke over to watch her open presents and play after the party. Grandma and Grandpa Pack came to watch as well.

I am glad that Brooke got to have what she really wanted for her Birthday Party. She always loves having both sets of her grandparents at her birthday parties too!