Friday, March 30, 2012

Her Royal Entrance

Weather perfect, check... ( Not too humid this time in Florida, and it was even breezy enough that you could wear a jacket sometimes )

Have all your favorite people surrounding you, Check....( With out Grandma and Grandpa Pack at Disney World just wouldn't be as fun )

Belly satisfied, check..... (Unlimited supply of sweets and treat stands surrounding you )

Everything had been brewing to make a perfect day, just like the perfect princess that was ready to see the infamous castle.

She loved watching the twenty min." Dream Along with Mickey " show that featured all of her favorite characters. Daddy's shoulders were a perfect throne to put her highness, high enough to see all her favorite characters perfectly.

      Brooke had been asking for me to make her look like Belle for a few weeks before the trip. She was very excited to finally have a bun up, curled hair and the Belle dress on. She was ready for her royal entrance.

   I have been going to Disney for twenty-eight years. This was the first time I wore tennis shoes there since I was fifteen and my Mom stopped making me wear them......

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