Sunday, March 4, 2012

Brooke's Sixth Birthday Party!

Brooke had her heart set on an American Girl birthday party this year. After seeing the elaborate two story doll store/hair salon/ restaurant this summer, Brooke knew this had to be it, and she asked me about a million times if she was having her party there for sure? Since Brooke got "Kanini", the doll of the year, for Christmas, I agreed before I even looked into the price! Sorry Kevin, not responsible on my part. So she had her heart set, and I had said yes.

Brooke invited all the girls in her class, and a couple of her neighborhood friends. It was a really cute party! All the girls brought their doll, to eat a four course meal along side them, in a doll chair that attaches to the table. The girls that didn't have a doll were able to borrow one from the store.

Brook was enthralled with many things at the party. She had her best friend Brooke by her side the whole party! They ran hand in hand to greet their classmates, and then all the little girls jumped up and down, they were so excited to see each other! Brooke felt  special that she got to be the only girl with a special birthday crown, to match all the dolls that they gave one to as well.

The first thing they brought out was pink lemonade for the girls, and a little tea cup and plate ( doll size ) for their dolls. Ordering the food was the fun part ;) Thank goodness we had Grandma Turano helping all the girls make their choices and helping the girls remember what they chose when the waitress asked them.
At one point of the craziness, I leaned over to Kevin and half way laughing I said, " I can not believe that after vowing not to take our two children to restaurants,( because it ends up being so hectic), here we are taking eight girls to dinner tonight!"  The anticipation was much of the fun, at this kind of party. They couldn't wait to get to the famous American Girl store, and then they couldn't wait to order their food, and pretend  to give their lemonade to the doll. It was by the end of the meal, they really got anxious for the cake. These girls actually did really well, considering the party was almost two hours long! That is a long time for these little five and six year old girls at a dinner table!

After the cake these girls had,had it with sitting there. They went into the hallway near our table and started to play ring around the Rosie's! Brooke, had her best friend Brooke over to watch her open presents and play after the party. Grandma and Grandpa Pack came to watch as well.

I am glad that Brooke got to have what she really wanted for her Birthday Party. She always loves having both sets of her grandparents at her birthday parties too!

1 comment:

  1. yes, those parties are so expensive! i think i would only do it if the grandparents paid(which i bet joeys would, joeys mom is crazy about american girl!) haha. but they look like pure girly magical fun:) my kids love going to the AG store and bistro when their nana visits. she spoils them ROTTEN there!! happy birthday brooke! glad you had a great party with your buds! you are very blessed to have such a wonderful family that loves you!
