Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The nicest person in the world

Even when my sister Audrey comes for a Mommy break trip from the chaotic life of a mother, she just can not stop thinking of others. It's just not in her to think for even one moment about something that could only benefit her.

Audrey continues to be one of my best friends, a role model for me, and one of the nicest people I have ever met. She actually is the nicest person I have ever met in my life! I loved having Audrey visit, with my newest niece Fawn. Audrey stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Pack, so they could have some one on one time, and to get to know Fawn better. We did some shopping, and went to a fishing derby that Kevin wanted to go to, but Audrey wouldn't leave until she helped me with some cleaning, did some energy work on me, and the most special thing that she did was suggested that we go have lunch up at the school with Brooke.

Audrey told me that she wanted Brooke to know that she loved her. She explained that normally she has all her kids with her, and that this would be a perfect opportunity to give Brooke some extra attention, with out all of her kids around.

Brooke loved us coming up her school to have lunch with her Aunt. Brooke had a smile on her face the whole time. She loved telling Audrey about her teacher, and the other Kindergartners that she knew, and pointed them out to her. I am sure that Brooke will remember how sweet and kind that Aunt Audrey is to her.

1 comment:

  1. i remember meeting audrey at your baby shower and in the two minutes i talked to her i felt of her sweetness! she isn't much different than her sister emily actually:) you are both so sweet! glad she was able to visit and spend quality time with you and your fam!
