Friday, March 16, 2012


Our annual circus night this year we decided to invite Brooke's best friend Brooke to go with us! Since she rides with us to school, Brooke and I were quizzing Brooke about what kinds of animals she has seen in her life, or if she had been to a circus? Brooke couldn't wait to share the circus experience with her since her answer about if she had ever seen and elephant, was " I have seen an elephant on TV." Brooke Turano squealed with excitement, " We are going to ride on a REAL elephant tonight! " They were giddy with smiles and anticipation all day at school, about the circus they would go to that night.
The cotton candy was a messy, yummy treat that they had been waiting for all day! The magical changing of dresses act continued to be a favorite. It was the first time that Brooke rode the elephant with out me, and I have to admit that I missed my ride with my Brookie, but it was the first time that I got to see her huge smile and awww of what she was doing, expressed on her face.

Will was taking in the circus for his first time, since last year he was too little. He loved when the tigers jumped thru fire, and he said, " Ouch hot. " Kevin had to take Will to walk around a few times, and he got right up to the gate with the animals behind it. At one point Kevin said that Will was dancing, and these Mexicans were getting a show from him! He even grabbed onto the legs of the Mother of the group and was dancing in between her two legs, while holding on to her pants on each side! Will is just too out going for his own good sometimes!

Will's highlight of the show was riding the pony. He could hardly wait in line, he kept trying to escape to run up and pet it, as he yelled, " horse, horse. "

As we dropped Brooke off and walked her to her door, Brooke and Brooke cuddled up into a ball and held onto each other so tight, that no one could tear them apart. They had a great time, and we had a great time watching all the kids so happy!

 we can't wait to see what next years circus will bring?!?!?

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