Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Turano

                                           Will was showing off with some new dance moves
(Brooke joined in to Will's duck waddle dance moves )

We all love having Grandma and Grandpa Turano stay at our house for the weekend of Brooke's birthday party. Grandma Turano as always, is helping with everything we need to get done, from the moment she walks in the door. She is a great example of service and hard work. Folding laundry, unloading the dishwasher, changing diapers, you name it, if it's work, she will think of it! This year Grandma brushed Brooke's doll date, Kanini's  hair for probably almost an hour, in preparation for the party. Brooke enjoyed showing Grandma all of her American Doll's personal closet and clothes. Grandpa and Daddy, as always, run errands for us in order to sneak out of the house and take a peek at the nursery down the street. ( They both like trees and plants.) Our outing this trip besides the party, was a dinner to the same Olive Garden that Kevin's parents, first met my parents. Grandma told Brooke about it while we were waiting for our table. I guess that I am officially a " Turano " because this visit, I actually won the card game for the first time in seven years! It was the first time I actually learned how to play it too! I haven't won again yet, but it's okay, the bet if I had won was that we would go and get ice cream. We went and got some the next week, even though I lost ;)

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