Saturday, September 7, 2013

All Smiles on Will's first day of pre-school

 The great awaited day of Mrs.Cori's pre-school finally came this past Tuesday. That morning you would have thought Will was getting ready to take some amazing trip maybe to Disney World, or a trip to Mars where he would meet Spiderman. HE WAS ALL SMILES! It was one of the cutest things that I have ever seen....You see Brooke has been pumping Will up about school for years. Actually, Will believes that Brooke is his teacher and that she has her own pre-school. You see about a couple times a week Brooke says to Will, " Will do you want to go to my pre-school? I am the teacher." He says, " Yes," excitedly and follows her into her room where she quizzes him on his letters, shapes and colors. Brooke even has been telling Will all summer, " Will you will not be able to spit out your food if you don't like it when you are in school, etc.
And, then Brooke started telling Will all about being in Mrs.Cori's class, since she was Brooke's teacher.

The morning of the first day of pre-school Will said, " I am going to Mrs.Cori's class, not yours Brooke."
He sat very still when I did his hair, for the first time in all history of doing Will's hair...not a joke. Those curls don't just place perfectly by themselves you know...

Then Will got his backpack and was packing all kinds of toys in it from his room. The most interesting and sad part is that when I asked to see what he packed for school he had a tub of mandarine oranges, toys, and one diaper....

Yes, my pre-schooler packed his own diaper for pre-school! If that is not indication that he is mature enough to go on the toilet, I am really not sure what would be...He did forget the wipes though, which didn't surprise me...after all....he is a male ;)

Here is what Mrs.Cori has told me about Will and his pre-school experiences so far:

She said, That Will can hold his own. When the other kids are crying for no reason that Will can see, he just gets the toy he wants and goes and plays somewhere else. He is having a blast, with no problem at all except that he still doesn't care that he is wearing diapers. He says, " I am sorry Mrs.Cori, I am stinky." Then goes on after the director of the school changes him and he says, " Mrs.Cori's friend just changed my diaper."

The sweetest thing Will has done is gone up to Mrs.Cori and said, " Mrs.Cori, I love you, I love your class."

Will is the most cuddley, lovey dovey individual that I have ever met on the planet. It is going to be hard for every teacher to not adore him....

Will only goes to pre-school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. When he realized that he wouldn't be going the next morning he was very disappointed and said to me, " But I have to go to school! "

If my kids didn't tell me that they love me all the time and give me hugs like there is no tomorrow, I would seriously wonder what I was doing wrong that makes my kids want to leave me so much every single day to go sit in a classroom....

Good thing I get hugs and lots of love from them ;) I am so lucky....Actually I am so blessed....

                       My kids truly are my heaven on earth..........

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