Friday, September 20, 2013

My Little Mail Man

I walked out of my kitchen to see my front door wide opened. I knew what had happened. I screamed a shrill so loud that Kevin and Brooke both thought I had gone insane. I ran outside to find exactly what I suspected. Will all the way at the street at my mail box! 
Will has this fascination with the mail. Actually, it is more of a is quite the obsession. I think obsession tends to run in the family ;S 
Will had asked already that morning if we could go check the mail at least 15 times. I kept telling him the mail man doesn't come until the afternoon, but he insists on checking. Not only does Will ask about checking the mail probably 20 times a day, he also likes to make his own letters to put into the mail box, in case there aren't any in there when we go check it. Then he likes to put one he can pretend the Mail Man came the next time he convinces me to go out to the box with him. 
So Will having grown tall enough and has always been smart enough, but now having a reason to do it...has learned to unlock the dead bolt and door knob lock, so he can go out and check the mail.
His fetish with the mail has driven him to actually break the law too! When there isn't mail at my house, he runs with me chasing him to the neighbors mail box and says, " I am going to check that one! "
I say, " No, Will that's not ours! You can't check it! " And he actually goes wild for a min. in a mail frenzy....

So Kevin put the hotel style lock very high at my front door, so that Will can't run out of the house anymore...
But, it hasn't stopped Will from talking about the mail...and asking me to take him to check it...all day long!
So the sweet Dad that Kevin is....has been sending little love letters to my little Will almost every single day in the mail. 
One day before pre-school we checked the mail, and I decided to take pictures in case he doesn't loose his mail fetish and he becomes a mail man someday ;) 
To Will's surprise he had an extra special letter from Daddy in the mail that day. 
It had a special coin inside that Daddy said was a pirate coin. 
Will was so excited that he chose to put his letter and coin from Daddy in the Show and Tell box at preschool. He was very proud to show his classmates his letter from Daddy.....

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