Saturday, September 7, 2013

Time flys when you are having fun....

 It is hard to believe Brooke is growing up so fast!!! Seems like I just took her to this first day of pre-school at Little Saints, and now she reads, writes, and has very intellectual thoughts and conversations with me.

If you think Brooke looks sick in her first day of Second Grade pictures, it is because she was. Brooke was so sad that only on her second day of the school year because she had to throw up in the nurses office and she had a fever of 101. Most kids are faking getting sick on the first week of school because the miss the summer so much. Brooke was in tears that she had to leave school! Even her teacher noticed how sad she was and she gave her a call the next day. She told me over the phone that she could already tell that Brooke is going to be a little helper in her class and she feels blessed to have Brooke in her class. She wanted to talk to Brooke.
She told Brooke over the phone that the class wasn't going to do anything fun until she got back, because they missed her so much.
First year of pre-school at Little Saints- Three-years old 
                               Second year of pre-school at Little Saints- Four-years old

                                               First day of Kindergarten!!!! five-years old!!

first day of First Grade- Six-years old!

                                              first day of Second grade- Seven-years old!

       Second day of Second Grade...She wouldn't eat breakfast, but I thought it was because she was so excited....

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