Thursday, September 19, 2013

Great Grandma Mistretta

Brooke chose to do her first report ever in the Second Grade, on her  Great Grandma Mistretta.
Brooke needed to chose someone that she could interview and the criteria of the person she needed to interview was that, they are a good citizen. The person needs to have shown responsibility, caring and respect in their lives. 

Brooke has been feeling especially special about her Great Grand Grandmother Mistretta lately anyways, and she is a perfect candidate of a good citizen! It has been really neat to watch Brooke's admiration for Great Grandma Mistretta grow as she has worked on this project. I actually found Brooke crying in prayer one night. When she was finished with her prayer, I came back into the room and I asked her why she was crying? She said,  " Because she never wanted Grandma Mistretta to die, and she was praying for her to be healthy. "

We talked about that for awhile and then she told me a few days later that when she was crying that night, it wasn't because she was sad, she was crying because she was happy, and knew everything was going to be okay for Grandma Mistretta. She said, " I think it was the Holy Spirit that made me so happy I could cry."
I said, " It most surely was, and I am so thankful that you felt it. " 

Here is the interview and answers:

Where were you born? Brooklyn, New York
How many siblings do you have? None
Did you have any pets as a child? A dog named Fluffy
What was your favorite subject in school? Reading
What was a day at school like when you were a child? I walked to school at 9am with friends. I enjoyed all my classes, and I studied French and Latin in Highschool.
Tell us about some important events in your life? Going to Bermuda when I graduated high school. Getting married and having a big wedding. Went to Florida on my honeymoon. Later I enjoyed several trips to Europe. Moved to Missouri in 2008 to live near my two daughters.
What year were you married? 1940 to Charles Mistretta
Do you have any children? One boy and two girls
What is your career? After I graduated high school I was a secretary. After I married I was a homemaker.Women didn't have many choices those years.
Tell me about a time you showed courage or fairness? When I cared for my husband  when he was sick. I gave him medicine and changed bandages. I drove him to doctors and sat with him all day when he was in the hospital.
What is your favorite book? Gone with the Wind
What is your favorite food? Ravioli
What is your favorite movie? Gone with the Wind
What was your most favorite trip that you have ever been on? A European cruise
If you could give one piece of advise to everyone, what would it be? Be happy with your choice.
            Brooke really wanted the poster to look perfect and she really loves her Grandma Mistretta.
                             She can't wait until we visit her in Kansas City in just a few weeks!

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