Friday, October 18, 2013

Acting Casual

Will was holding a whole carton of eggs! Every single egg was on the brink of being broken! Surprise elevated my voice, okay....that's the nice way of saying that I screamed....but it was a nice scream considering that there was about to be broken eggs all over the place! I screamed, " Will, what are you doing with the eggs!? " He seemed just as surprised as I was and said, " But I just have to check and see if any baby chickens are in them!" As I took them away he tried to be as persuasive as a big brown eyed little boy could be....He said, " I just need to be careful with them. I just need to be soft to the eggs and check if there is a baby chicken in them." Once I had the eggs under control I had a huge smile and laughter barley hanging inside myself as he desperately wanted to hold the eggs...

Brooke and Will were so excited to get the yard and front door ready for Halloween. Kevin happened to be working late, so we decided to make our own project of Halloween decorating. As we were getting everything together we noticed that we were going to need a screwdriver to change batteries in our purple light up bats. I began with the ghost poster on the front door, but Brooke and Will ( as always ) decided to be independent and take the initiative themselves, to find the screwdriver. As I quietly followed them into the garage I hear Brooke say, " Will lets get Daddy's tool box." And I couldn't hardly believe what Will said next as they started to carry the tool box back into the house from the garage...Will said, " Brooke...act casual" and he started kind of tiptoeing, but it looked more like a dance was hilarious...Brooke started laughing out loud, saw me and said to me, " Did you just hear what Will said? " We both laughed hysterically.

I had decided I was going to take the time that Will would be in pre-school one morning to attend the temple in Dallas. I been straightening my hair and putting on make up. It was when I put on my dress that Will so kindly said, " Mommy you look like a princess." I said with a smile, " Really? Wow, thank you Will. " He then said, " Your shirt is beautiful." I said, " Really? You like it?" And, I couldn't have imagined anything sweeter, and then he said, " You are a pretty Mommy." I felt like I was on top of a cloud all morning just thinking how sweet of a little boy that I have. I thought how lucky am I that my son would think I was pretty enough to say something about it.

Will has been saying some very cute prayers. He hasn't quite mastered keeping his eyes closed the whole time, but of course his Dad hasn't either, so I can't really blame him....but he is has a lot of gratitude in his heart. Will has to name so many things that he is thankful for in his prayers in order for him to be satisfied. He always says, " Heavenly Father, thank you for Mommy, Daddy, Brooke , Grandpa, my toys, my car bed, my turtles, my flags, my door, my masks, etc....
A couple nights ago Will said a very cute and thoughtful prayer as we made a circle on our knees praying. But, Will realized just as he ended the prayer that he didn't say thank you for Brooke. Then moment he said, " In the name of Jesus Christ." He said, " Oh no, my Brookeee." I said, " You can say another prayer if you would like." He bowed his head again and said, " And thank you for My Brookee, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. " It was so sweet to see him with such a strong desire to say thank you for Brooke on his own. Will really loves his sister a lot.

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