Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fun Junkies!!!

Brooke, Will and I were cozy in the car with blankets and pillows. We were soundly sleeping. Kevin on the other hand was popping caffeine pills to get us to the beach by sunrise. That was his goal...He wanted to pull up to the beach and surprise the kids by waking up ocean side....Kevin being the fun junkie that he is didn't end up at the beach at sunrise...We all woke up to a parking lot full of six person bicycles, and Kevin saying, " Emily...You have to look this up on your phone. We have to see how much these cost to buy and to rent." 
I entertained him... looked it up and told him they were four thousand dollars new. He then started naming all the good reasons it would be for us to buy one! 

Well, long story short...our next stop was the beach, where we all got out in our pajamas and ran around!!..Then we rented the bike! It was a hit with the Pack family.

 I called and told my Dad to get everyone outside...We didn't tell anyone where we went...or what we were doing...we just showed up in the front yard..Kevin, myself and the kids driving this bike towards the house. The cousins were so excited for Uncle Kevin to take them for a ride! One of the first comments from Uncle Bryant was that he wanted one for his house too! I guess birds of a feather flock together ;)

But actually that is not the end of the story...So...We girls decide to take this bike for a spin on main street in Padre Island, where all the tourist shops are...
Only Kevin didn't come..Which I was very worried about...
Grandma wouldn't go without Grandpa...So Grandpa drove but had no instructions from Kevin. 
Grandma, and I were screaming because Kevin told us to go over the road bumps slow or we would tip over! Grandpa was going a little too fast for us...I didn't realize my steering wheel didn't work, so I felt out of control when I realized that! Amy was loudly saying in the back, " You are going the right way. " I was saying, " You are going the wrong way. " And Audrey was saying, " Do you want me to drive in the front for you Emily? " Because Grandpa complained that I wasn't helping pedal! 

We did finally make it to some stores and picked out our souvenirs...which included a boat that I insisted I was buying to pull the kids in the ocean...and although everyone was worried it would fall of the top of the bike...I knew it wouldn't...So I just bought it and the kids had a blast being pulled in the ocean....

                                    Happy girls with their shopping bags full of seashells, necklaces and postcards...

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