Thursday, October 10, 2013

Crew " Pack " plays pirates

Grandma brought pirate costumes and princess costumes for the kids to dress up and play pirates in!

Being the crew of this captain is like a dream come true for these little buccaneers! Grandma Pack always is thinking of ways to make her Grand children more excited, feel more loved, and more entertained than any Grandma on the face of the planet!Grandma Pack had more luggage coming into this beach house than you even knew could be possible in the world of packing luggage...but it was all for a good cause...
She packed games, toys, movies, books and every fun thing possible for her grand kids. She is always thoughtful of everyone and just truly has no greater joy than seeing you little ones happy. You are so loved by Grandma Pack. She is very special to very many little ones...Some day when you grow and have kids of your own, you will probably know how lucky you were....and you will probably want to show kindness and love...just like your Grandma Pack does for you.....

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