Saturday, January 25, 2014

Brooke Soaring Eagle - RESPECT

This past December, Brooke received an award for being a Soaring Eagle in her school! She got to be in the assembly and she received a cerificate from the school principal and her teacher. The Soaring Eagle awards are based on consistant demonstration of a certain characteristic. Brooke was awarded for being consistently respectful.

Brooke really is a very respectful  girl. She is aware of, and careful about how she interacts with everyone around her. She expresses respect as she understands some of her peers are different from her. Brooke tells me that she notices when someone has a harder time understanding the directions, or assignments, but she always ends her story by saying, " I didn't say anything about it, I just helped them, because I don't want them to feel bad." Brooke treats others how she would like to be treated.

As for teachers, Brooke looks up to them as individuals who she can learn from. She understands when they aren't perfect and she always is engaging, but respectful at the same time.

We are so blessed to be parents of a kind, very smart, fun, and loving girl, that Brooke is....

Lately, Brooke has been pleasantly surprising me with her intelligence and kindness, even more than normal actually. Brooke is in the Gifted and Talented class this year, and in order to stay in the program she will have to be considered again, based on her learning style and abilities. One thing I have been noticing about Brooke is that she sees things in a larger picture. Instead of Brooke just seeing and recalling a certain fact, she thinks  about how the fact relates to everything else. For example we received a flyer about a gym membership. Brooke handed it to me and said, " So Mom, if this is the monthly rate, that means it is will be this much every year, and is that less than you pay for your gym now? " She was correct, about the annual price. I was so surprised that I did a double take at the flyer to see if it mentioned the annual price anywhere on it. It did not. Another thing Brooke has been showing extra kindness has been helping potty train her little brother. Brooke has taken it upon herself to be the potty prize giver. Now I am pretty sure this has something to do with her getting a prize when Will goes potty in the toilet too, but she has been a great help in getting Will excited about going in the big toilet. Brooke has been telling me that she wants to create anti-gravity liquid, she says she is going to help us learn to fly by doing this ;) When reading scriptures last night, we read and saw a video about " All things denoting there is a God." When we were finished Brooke said, " It really is a blessing that we have night and day, and heavenly Father made it that way. If we didn't have dark, it would be really hard to sleep, and that's when our bodies take care of it's self, when we are sleeping."

Brooke has asked for binoculars for her upcoming birthday. I keep asking her why she wants binoculars, and she says, " I want to see things that are far away, and they would come in handy when traveling in the car, so I can see road signs, from very far away. " This actually might come in handy because I am not sure why we do, but we still miss exits on our way to KC even after 9 years of driving there from Texas??? She is trying to think of a solution I guess!!! HAHA

Brooke really wanted an apple tree for Christmas. I kept telling her they take a long time to grow big, and its winter, so we can't plant one...This is how the conversation goes, " But, I want the apple tree so someday it will get big and we can build a tree house in it and have fresh apples." I say, " Brooke, we get apples from the store all the time, are you sure you just aren't wanting a tree house? " She says, " No, I just want to be able to pick apples from my backyard." I say, " The tree takes a long time to grow apples." she says, " Well, we should plant one now, so that someday we will have apples in our backyard." I say, " And, what if we never get a tree house in the backyard, do you still want an apple tree? " She says, " Yes, I really want one Mom. It would be good to have that in our backyard so we don't have to go to the store for apples."

I guess maybe I will be getting an apple tree in the backyard sometime...and I will probably be glad years later that I did???? There she is always thinking sweet beautiful daughter Brooke...

More Safari Fun

 Brooke and Will were kind of scared to hold the baby alligator at first, but when they saw how excited that I was, and that I would be right there next to them, they calmed down and couldn't wait.

This  experience was impactful on Will because the next time after he held the baby gator, and someone mentioned an alligator, he told them all the rules about holding an alligator. He said to the teacher, when she showed a picture of an alligator, " Oh,,,with alligator's you have to hold their mouth shut and hold on tight, or they might go into the water." It was as if he thought these words the guide told us were the rules for all alligators! I am glad we don't live in Florida because he might think it was normal to hold down an alligators mouth and hold on tight to them!!!

Feeding camels is a pretty common thing for us Turano's to do...We probably feed them at least a couple times a year, but even so we think it's fun and exciting every time!

             When Will tried to feed this camel he kept dropping the food, so I ended up taking over....

Thursday, January 9, 2014


They say that you can do anything that you put your mind too? Well, I am a huge believer in going after what you want, and I might just begin to really believe in that saying, after what we did last weekend...
You know of all my hopes and dreams, going on an African Safari is pretty close to the top of my list...
And, you know that I pretty much already have been on one when you consider our experiences at Arbuckles Wilderness Park...
Well, I am here to tell you that I really mean it when I say that I don't need to go on an African Safari to be satisfied in my life anymore! And this entry in this book screams classic Saturday afternoon outing  TURANO STYLE!

Okay, okay we don't hold six week old baby Ligers ( that's a cross between a lion and a tiger ) every weekend, but we do have some pretty wildly fun times under our belt...But, yah know, I think this one kicked up our expectations of fun a lot! And we for sure can't ever consider going to a regular zoo and it be the same, ever again!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


                                     Mom Emily, Aunt Audrey McNeill , Grandma Pack, Aunt Amy Shinsel

                         To the world you may feel like nothing, but to one person, you may be their world...
                    As sisters in Zion, we all work together , the blessings of God on our labors we seek...

Sunday, January 5, 2014

We Are Better, When Together

This Christmas I wanted to leave my sisters and Mother with a gift that would remind them how much I love them. I love how each of us has different strengths and different weaknesses, because that just means that we can be of better help to each other....because together we can teach each other , reach out to each other and be the strength for one another, where we might lack as an individual.

Our necklaces have our initial and, a smaller version of each of our sister's and Mother's initial....

Christmas Morning at Grandma and Grandpa Pack's House

                  Brooke has been saying she is going to be a scientist since she was four year old...
             She proved to us that she meant it this year when she asked Santa Clause for a microscope          for Christmas. This Christmas, after everyone opened all the gifts, Brooke and her cousin Eli spent their afternoon keeping a " scientist journal " of all their findings, on all kinds of slides they were looking at, under Brooke's new microscope. 

Christmas morning is full of hugs and smiles!!!!

                                           Daddy was excited about Brooke's microscope too!

                                                    This was Will's first Christmas that he really understood what was going on...He got a huge " Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Sewer Lair." It is a really cool boy version of a Barbie house. Will loved finding all the little traps, and tricks this house allows his toy turtles to do!

                                       Brooke and Will have enjoyed playing with this house in Will's room.
                                      Brooke brings in the My Little Ponies to be friends with Will's turtles!

Brooke asked for a sewing machine for Christmas! Sometimes I wonder if Brooke is really only seven-years old, because she seems to have a mature sense of interests.

 As practical as Brooke is, she is still a very girly girl!

                                                      Eli loved giving Will a really cool turtle!
                                   Fawn loved the Minnie dress and doll that Brooke gave her
                                              Isabel gave Brooke a really neat lamp kit

                  Fawn and Will are buddies, but it's sort of a love , fight relationship sometimes ;)

                                      They love to talk with each other and egg each other on!
         Brooke and Will giving Grandma Pack a candy dish she liked at the store one day that we were with her...we were sneaky about getting it the next day ;)

                                              Will and Brooke gave Grandpa some bullets!!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Nativity Play

          We read from the bible to story of Christ's birth, and each of the kids played a role from the story...

                Isabel played a very surprised Mary, when the Angel ( Brooke ) came to tell her she was going to give birth the the Christ child....
                                          The youngest babe in the house played the baby Jesus....
                                        Wynn loved all the attention and to be cuddled by Isabel
                   Eli was a very enthusiastic Wise Man who pointed excitedly at the new star in the sky...

Santa loves our Savior

In our house we talk a lot about how much Santa loves Jesus. Santa loves Jesus so much in fact, that Jesus is the reason Santa brings gifts to everyone all over the world on Jesus's birthday. It is a Turano family tradition to have a cake on behalf of celebrating our Savior's birth, on Christmas Eve. Will kept requesting that we make Jesus a shark cake for his birthday this year. He kept saying, " But, Jesus wants a shark birthday party."

I guess I should have been prepping the kids about making the Savior's cake a few days before I did, because if I had enough time to prepare, I totally would have made a shark cake, just because Will thought that's what Jesus would like on his birthday....but, I didn't remind the kids we were making a cake that night, until the day of. Maybe next year Jesus will still want a shark cake?

Will and Brooke were very excited to make the cake all day! I loved not even hearing a word about Santa's cookies on Christmas Eve...

I loved the time and effort we tenderly set aside on our busy Christmas Even to ponder the Saviors birth through this expression of love.

As, the cake was cooking in the oven Will, Brooke, Daddy and I sat around the family room wrapping gifts together.

Will was so excited to be able to wrap things on his own. None of us mind what the wrapping looks like...
It is the sweet little hands crumbling paper together at the ends of a gift that you can half way see, that reminds us of what Christmas is about...Patience, charity, love and long suffering that Jesus Christ teaches us.

 We took the cake and gifts to Grandma and Grandpa Pack's house where we stayed the night on Christmas Eve.

It was so beautiful to gather around Grandma and Grandpa's kitchen table and sing Silent Night with the cake our little family had made, in honor of our beloved Savior.